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He was born more than two months prematurely in Sacramento, California. Brielle Decker (born Lynette Warner), the 65th wife of Warren Jeffs, opened up to Fox 10 Phoenix about her harrowing life within the cult and the aftermath of her husband's conviction. In Escape, she was the head of the Nusses; a group of rival classmates, who were all sisters that became Carolyns step-daughters. A former child bride who fled a fundamentalist Mormon cult has told how the sects leader reminded her she was the property of her husband after she begged him to free her from the forced marriage. Later, her cousin, who was not a FLDS member, took care of her. Police had found evidence one of the women Jeffs called his wives was aged just 12. And so they import young girls from elsewhere in the country. The four-part docu-series airs on June 8 on Netflix. Eldorado, Texas. He has been sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. Fox 10 Phoenix. Teen Mom Kiaya Elliott's baby daddy X'zayveon Gambrell smiles in new mugshot as he's released from prison after 4 years, Kardashian fans worried for Kim's four kids after they discover 'sad' clue she'll be a 'stage mom just like Kris Jenner'. It was loosely construed as a command to wear a smile on your face. Though Warren Jeffs was sentenced to life plus 20 years in prison for child abuse, rape, and arranging marriages between young girls and older men, many still consider him the leader of the FLDS today. Scroll below to learn about Merrianne and her whereabouts in 2022. She penned the majority of his Priesthood Dictations, during that time period. She was taken in by a cousin who was not a member of the FLDS. Merrianne Jessop is one of the victims of Warren Jeff. Warren Jeffs was extradited to Texas, where he was found guilty of sexual assault of a minor, for raping a 15-year-old he had married; and aggravated sexual assault against a child, for raping a 12-year-old he had married; for which he was sentenced to life in prison, plus twenty years and fined $10,000. 2008. I am basically from Lucknow. Where Are Warren Jeffs' Wives Today? How Many Wives Do FLDS Have Who were Warren Jeffs' wives and where are they now? - The Sun Parents, Bio, Wiki, Ethnicity, Career, Net Worth 2023 and More. Keep Sweet was one of the messages Rulon and Warren shared with their youthful followers. One of his former wives, Rebecca Musser, sat down with Dateline: NBCs Keith Morrison for the Friday, May 8 episode, titled Unbreakable, to talk about what it was like being married to Jeffs and why she decided to leave the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS). Naomie Jessop was the favorite wife of Warren Jeffs, the president and prophet of FLDS in 2002. If you have any suggestion for the improvement of this site then feel free to tell me.