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Archives News Earth Day, April 22 Sporty First Dogs National Archives Hosts Canadian Library and Archives Delegation More News Upcoming Events ATTN: AFRC-PRR (FOIA/PrivacyOffice) President C Cannon Bey, who doubled the size of the country with the stroke of a pen, created a new Jurisdiction for Moorish Americans in which to live right on this land. CAR Policy 20-01Army Reserve Conditional Release Policy, CAR Policy 20-02Reassignment of AR TPU Soldiers to IRR, CAR Policy 21-02 USAR COL-LTC Command Board Program, CAR Policy 21-02Exception to Chief of Army Reserve Policy #21-02 -LTC MS AMEDD, CAR Policy 21-04 USAR AGR Manning Guidance, CAR Policy 21-05 Senior Enlisted Enhancement - CTAP, CAR Policy 23-01 Resident SSC Utilization Assignments, CG Policy 20-02 Army Reserve Policy on Equality, Access, and Fairness, CG Policy 20-04Harassment Prevention and Response, CG Policy 20-06 Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement, CG Policy 20-07 Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities, CG Policy 20-08 Alternative Dispute Resolution in Equal Employment Opportunity Activity, CG Policy 20-09 Retaliation for Engaging in Protected Equal Employment Opportunity Activity, CG Policy 20-14 Care of Soldiers with Suicidal Ideations, CG Policy 20-16 USAR Suicide Investigations, DOA 20-02 AGR Invol Release from AD Non-sel of Cont of AGR Pgm, DOA 20-03 AGR Mandatory Removal Date Extensions, DOA 20-04 Take Final Action on TPU Officer Involuntary Separations, DOA 20-05 Retention Beyond MRD - AMEDD Officers, DOA 20-07 TPU Officer Unqualified Resignations, DOA 20-08 Invol Seps and Boards Under AR 135-175, DOA 20-09 Separation Authority Under AR 135-178, DOA 20-10 Notify AR TPU Officers of Promotion Board Results, DOA 20-11 AGR Accession and Subsequent Duty AR 135-18, DOA 20-12 Command Response to External Audit Reports, DOA 20-20 AR AGR Invol Sep Acts for Enl Soldiers w 18-20 Yrs of Svc, DOA 20-25 AR TPU Enlisted Classification and Reclassification Actions, DOA 20-36 Voluntary Br Transfer of AR TPU Officers, DOA 20-36A Amendment Branch Transfers, FAs, ASIs, SQIs to MSC Commanders, DOA 21-06 Accident Investigation Board Appointments, DOA 21-10 Army Directive 2020-19 Approval Authority - RC Officers Opt Out, DOA 21-14A Amendment - MSC Approval of MOA and MOU, DOA 22-02 AR TPU Deferral of Separation for MRD Recommendations (APL to HQDA), DOA and Procedures for Promotion Bd Results Not of AR TPU Officers, USAR Memo 1-1Facility Management Handbook, USAR Memo 1-2 USARC Operations During Weekends and Non-Duty Hours, USAR Memo 380-1 Information Systems Security, USAR Memo 500-1 Emergency Employment of Army and Other Resources Crisis Action Procedures, USAR Memo 530-1 Operations Security (OPSEC), USAR Memo 735-1 Property Accountability Adjustment Data Report, Army Reserve Negotiated Settlement Agreement Coordination Policy, Army Reserve Soldiers who Deploy as Civilian Employees, Change 1, Implementation Guidance for Stabilization for AC, IMA, and IRR to Reserve Component Transitions - Mobilization Deferments, Data Spillage and Negligent Disclosure of Classified Information Paper, Electronic Mail Signature Block and Protocol, Electronic Mail Use, Digital Signature, and Encryption, Elimination of DA Photo, Race, Ethnicity and Gender from Selection Boards, Equal Employment Opportunity Program Management Centralization, Exception to AR 140-10 - DOA Off Reclass Authority, Exception to AR 140-10 - Special Branch Transfers, FY22 Suspension of Removal for RCP for USAR TPU Soldiers Exc E-9 Implementation Instrs, FY22 Suspension of Removal for RCP for USAR TPU Soldiers Exc E-9s (to HQDA), Guidance on Effective Dates of Reassignment, Transfer, and Discharge Orders - 19 Dec 19, Guidance to Consolidated ETPs for Enlisted Promotions During COVID19 - Update, Implemention Guidance for USAR TPU Temp Promotion - OCAR Rescind, Implementation Guidance for USAR TPU Temporary Promotions SGT -SGM- 25 May 22, Implementation Guidance to TPU Temp Promotions SGT-SGM- 7 Apr 21, Implementation Guidance to TPU Temporary Promotions (SGT-MSG)- 17 Feb 22 (signed), Implementing Guidance to TPU Lateral Appt to CPL, Eligibility for BLC, and Promotion to SGT, Involuntary Separation of AR Officers and Warrant Officers, IR Personnel Qualification and Independence Requirements, Policy for Nomination of IR TPU Personnel, Processing of Enlisted Involuntary Separations - Rescind 20 May 08 memo, Promotion of Volunteers on AD UP Title 10 (rescind MS promotions), Protection-Related Inspections and Assessments Policy, Reassignment of Army Reserve TPU Soldiers to the Retired Reserve, Relief for Cause (RFC) Procedural Guidance, Reserve IR Policy for Approval of Military Audit 6T Skill Identifier, Retention Beyond Age 60 for AR TPU Enlisted Soldiers, Supervisory Review of Audit Working Papers and Supporting Documentation Memo, Suspension of MYOS for USAR TPU Soldiers w Exc of E-9s - Implementing Instructions, Temporary Promotion - Modification of Deployment Applicability - All, Termination of SGLI for Unsatisfactory Participants, USAR Health Professionals Special and Incentive Pay Plan Policy FY23, USAR Implementation Guidance for Reserve Component Maternity Leave Program signed, USAR Internal Review Policy Memo, Auditor Training Requirements, USAR Policy and Procedures for MRD Management of TPU Officers and Warrant Officers, USAR Policy Use of Web Cameras on USAR Managed Network v.0.6.1, USAR REG 1-2 Preparing Responses to Congressional Special Inquires, USAR REG 1-201 Organizational Inspection Program, USAR REG 10-1 Army Reserve Readiness Divisions, USAR REG 10-5 Organization, Mission, and Functions Manual, USAR REG 11-2 Command Logistics Review Program, USAR REG 25-1 Information Resources Management Program, USAR REG 25-2 Information Management Regional Support, USAR REG 25-3 Army Reserve Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology (C4/IT) Investment Management, USAR REG 25-4 Army Reserve Enterprise Storage Management Program, USAR REG 37-2 Government Travel Charge Card Program, USAR REG 58-1 Management, Acquisition, and Use of Non Tactical Vehicles, USAR REG 71-2 Authorization or Requirement Document Changes, USAR REG 140-3 Processing Incapacitation Claims, USAR REG 140-4 Enlisted and Officer Personnel Management, USAR REG 140-5 Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel Command Assignment Selection Board Program, USAR REG 140-6 USAR Commander's Retention Program, USAR REG 215-1 Sergeant Audie Murphy Award (SAMA) Program, USAR REG 350-1 Army Reserve Readiness Training Center (ARRTC) Course Information and Administrative Procedures, USAR REG 350-2 Intelligence Training In USARC, USAR REG 380-3 Safeguarding and Control of Communications Security (COMSEC) Material, USAR REG 380-4 Controlled Cryptographic Item (CCI), USAR REG 385-1 Sleeping In USARC Facilities, USAR REG 500-1 The U.S. Army Reserve Counterdrug Program, USAR REG 570-1 Manpower Management of Full Time Support USAR Installation Staffing, USAR REG 600-2 USAR Personnel Systems, Personnel Accounting, and Commanders Guide to Personnel and Unit Database Management, USAR REG 608-1 Army Reserve Family Programs, USAR REG 700-1 Logistics Combat Service Support Hands On Training Mission Program, USAR REG 700-2 Semi-Annual Fuel Consumption Report, USAR REG 700-3Management of Facility Property, USAR REG 735-1 Army Reserve Property Accountability Adjustment Data Report, USAR REG 740-1 Storage Management Program, USAR REG 750-1 Army Reserve Materiel Maintenance Management, USAR REG 870-1 Military Operations Historical Collection, USAR Form 4-RUSAR Official Mail Inspection Checklist, USAR Form 6-R Property Accountability Adjustment Data (PPAAD) Report, USAR Form 19-R USAR Command Plan Issue Worksheet, USAR Form 23-R Selective Reserve Incentive Program (SRIP) Adjustment Certification Worksheet, USAR Form 24-R Individual-Claim for Active Duty Pay Allowances, and Adjustments, USAR Form 25-R Individual Active Duty Certificate of Performance, USAR Form 26-RPay Document Transmittal Letter (TL), USAR Form 29-R Change To Organization Data, USAR Form 30-R Officer Initial Additional Active Duty Allowance Statement, USAR Form 33-R Counterdrug Support Missions After Action Report, USAR Form 34-R Counterdrug Support Program Estimate of Mission Costs, USAR Form 36-R (TEST) USAR Subsistence Account Report, USAR Form 49-R In-processing Checklist for Active Component Full Time Support Personnel, USAR Form 57-R Combat Service Support Hands on Training Mission Quarterly Report, USAR Form 60-R Personnel Initial Annual Security Briefing Record, USAR Form 62-R Sponsor's Guide and In-processing Checklist, USAR Form 62-2-R New Soldier Sponsorship Log, USAR Form 63-R Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel Command Assignment Selection Board Worksheet, USAR Form 65-R Cryptographic Access Authorization and Termination, USAR Form 66-R FOIA Willingness to Pay Statement, USAR Form 67-R Correspondence Correction Checklist, USAR Form 68-R Security Inspection Checklist, USAR Form 75-R AR Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), USAR Form 75-1-R ARNet Privileged Level Access and Acknowledgement of Responsibilities Agreement, USAR Form 80-1-R Reenlistment Bonus Control Worksheet, USAR Form 80-2-R Reenlistment Bonus Control Number Log, USAR Form 81-R USARC OCONUS Hand-carry Classified Information Request, USAR Form 89-1-R Government Travel Military Personnel Statement of Understanding, USAR Form 89-2-R Government Travel Civilian Personnel Statement of Understanding, USAR Form 90-R USARC Courier Briefing Acknowledgement, USAR Form 91-R Foreign Travel Briefing Statement, USAR Form 94-R USAR Terminal Server Access Controller System Registration Form, USAR Form 98-R Center of Influence (COI)-Very Important Person (VIP), USAR Form 100-R Consideration of Others 5- Day Facilitator Workshop Attendance Sheet, USAR Form 101-R Consideration of Others Small Group Discussion Attendance Sheet, USAR Form 102-R-E Master Facilitator Certification, USAR Form 103-R-E Facilitator Certification, USAR Form 107-R Family Information Data Worksheet, USAR Form 108-R Army Reserve Family Programs Annual Award Nomination Form, USAR Form 109-R Volunteer Telephone Reimbursement, USAR Form 110-R Volunteer Newsletter Reimbursement, USAR Form 111-R Volunteer Child Care Reimbursement, USAR Form 112-R Volunteer Transportation Reimbursement, USAR Form 113-R Volunteer Miscellaneous Reimbursement, USAR Form 114-R Quarterly Family Support and Non-appropriated Fund Report, USAR Form 119-R Audio Conferencing Card Request and Receipt, USAR Form 122Stationing USAR Organization, USAR Form 123-R Validation of Cellular Telephone Calls, USAR Form 125-R Army Reserve Certificate to Operate, USAR Form 126Information Technology Unit Action Support Form, USAR Form 130-R Reenlistment Eligibility Worksheet, USAR Form 133-R AR C4-IT Acquisition Request, USAR Form 135-R Army Reserve Warrant Officer Checklist, USAR Form 136-R Army Reserve Warrant Officer Flight Checklist, USAR Form 139-R AR C4 -IT Investment Assessment Score Sheet, USAR Form 140-R Reclassification Validation Sheet for School Graduates, USAR Form 143-R Executive Correspondence Non-Disclosure Policy Acknowledgement Statement, USAR Form 146-R Requirement Control Symbol (RCS) Register - Log, USAR Form 147Army Food Management Information System (AFMIS) Access Request Form, USAR Form 148-R Notice of Rating Chain Assignment or Change, USAR Form 150-R (TEST) Request for Operations Security (OPSEC) Review and Clearance for Public Release, USAR Form 153-R Army Family Action Plan (AFAP) Issue Submission Form, USAR Form 154-R Combat - Contingency Operations Historical Report, USAR Form 154-1-R Historical Artifact Identification, USAR Form 155-R Combat - Contingency Operations Historical Autobiographical Sketch, USAR Form 155-1-R Historical Autobiographical Mission Description, USAR Form 156-R Regional Support Command Historian Support Report, USAR Form 159-R Army Reserve Health Counseling and Insurance Verification Form, USAR Form 160-R Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Breach Report, USAR Form 163USAR ECS Equipment Loan Request, USAR Form 164RequesttoPosition/WithdrawEquipmentfrom anECS, USAR Form 168 Stationing Funding Worksheet, USAR Form 503-R Army Reserve Aircraft Programming and Utilization Flying Hour Report, USAR Form 1000-R Consolidated Semi-Annual Postage Expenditure Report, USAR Poster 10-RThe Privacy Act in Daily Operations, USAR CIR 25-11-1List of Approved Recurring Management Requirements, USAR PAM 20-2Assistance, Inspections, Investigations, and Follow-up, USAR PAM 25-1Information Manager's Handbook, USAR PAM 25-2Army Reserve Records Management and Publishing Program, USAR PAM 37-1Defense Joint Military Pay System Reserve Component (DJMS-RC) Procedures Manual, USAR PAM 55-1Unit Movement Officers (UMO) Handbook, USAR PAM 55-2Transportation Coordinators Automated Information for Movements System II, USAR PAM 350-1CompanyCommander's Handbook, USAR PAM 570-1Manpower and Equipment Control Guide to Full- Time Support Requirements Determination, USAR PAM 600-1Personnel and Administration Procedures for Active Component Full Time Support Personnel, USAR PAM 600-2Guide To Resolution of Systemic Personnel Problems, USAR PAM 600-3Consideration of Others Facilitator's Manual, USAR PAM 600-4Consideration of Others Participant Manual, USAR PAM 700-1Standard Army Management Information System, Information Technology, Life Cycle, USAR PAM 710-2Army Reserve Material Management Procedures.