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The plot of The Umbrella Academy begins with the death of the family's adopted father, Sir Reginald Hargreeves. The guard blinked, then cleared his throat and turned to the other guards. Vanya, whispered Seven, watching herself with wide eyes. The five siblings sat stilly, not speaking, and if youd happened upon the scene, you wouldve thought they were strangers not people who grew up together. The rest of the guards were a few yards away, fanned out in a V-formation. "Not dying," gasped Five. There's one catch, though. Finally Allison sighed and gave her a loose hug. diegohargreeves. She noticed that the music had quieted as well, the song more melancholy. Definitely.. Did you almost die?, Four gave the smallest of shrugs, nose twitching as Klaus high-fived the EMT. Five really gets all the best songs though. Hey, mom, Vanya called out softly. Im pretty sure I stepped in half those peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches.. After the events of the Icarus Theater, the Hargreeves are thrust into the past-more specifically- their past. And then theres the issue of the missing monocle. ", "No, there's definitely room for improvement. 19. Theres nothing to avenge here, no mystery to solve, said Diego. So, when The Handler arrives at Fives office and requests (demands) that he dines with her, Five finds himself begrudgingly agreeing to join her. Your father always believed that Number Five was still out there somewhere. Umbrella Stories | Quotev ", "Ya think?" Five cursed as his head bounced up and down, slamming into Diego's back. After all, even though it was a little mean, it was true. ! bellowed One, and Seven thought she might just vomit all over everyone when they came to a sudden, and still-awful stop. Bowling shoes? Rated T just to be safe. left kudos on this work! Klaus squawked slightly as he hit the floor, and they all gathered around him. Maybe that was what they were being told. It goes pretty well, considering everything they've been through. (Umbrella Academy with Original characters).Adhara, number 2, just wants to get her father's funeral over with an forget all about her childhood at the Umbrella academy. 7. confrontation "Uhh, should we take him to a hospital?" "Okay, break it up," Ben said. These are recommendations made by tropers for The Umbrella Academy fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Wait, where are we? What do you want?. Allison smiled and approached the leader, who was now looking very confused at his sudden solitude. Sometimes, Grace could be very still, and it wasnt like there was much activity going on, but it was the deeply intense quiet that caused the first wave of concern. Three glanced over at her sister, a little confused.