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The disbandment registers were created in 1922 when the Royal Irish Constabulary was disbanded It has been argued that their failure to deal with the 1969 disturbances was due to a failure on behalf of the Northern Ireland government to modernise their equipment, weaponry, training and approach to the job.[86]. [29] However, the Nationalist Party and Ancient Order of Hibernians discouraged their members from joining. For centuries, law enforcement in English towns and parishes was left to local constables and watchmen. In early 1922, he sent IRA units to the border areas and arms to northern units. It carried out several revenge killings and reprisals against Catholic civilians in the 192022 conflict. Other B Specials joined the new Part Time Reserve of the RUC. Ulster "[37][39] John Anderson, the Under Secretary for Ireland (head of the British Administration in Dublin) shared his fears, "you cannot, in the middle of a faction fight, recognise one of the contending parties and expect it to deal with disorder in the spirit of impartiality and fairness essential in those who have to carry out the order of the Government. During the Irish War of Independence, RIC barracks were the targets of frequent attacks from the Irish Republican Army. [11] See The Troubles in Northern Ireland (19201922) and Timeline of the Irish War of Independence. The request includes documents relating to the so-called B Specials, an auxiliary police force known officially as the Ulster Special Constabulary. It has been argued that their failure to deal with the 1969 disturbances was due to a failure on behalf of the Northern Ireland government to modernise their equipment, weaponry, training and approach to the job. Dr Coleman said the centenary was an opportunity to "ensure that we get full access to the historical record relating to the establishment of Northern Ireland". Another 8 died during the Second World War, in air raids or IRA attacks. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. | All rights reserved. The lists recorded the staff members birth date, age at appointment, rank (such as junior or senior clerk), and department. [citation needed], The IRA issued a statement which said that any Catholics who joined the specials would be treated as traitors by them and would be dealt with accordingly.[26]. WebUlster Special Constabulary memorial. [81], He found some evidence of cross-membership of the USC and loyalist paramilitary organisations. "[80], When Jack Lynch, the Taoiseach of Ireland, moved Irish Army troops up to the border in response to the rioting, platoons of Specials were deployed to guard border police stations.[72].