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Some UC campuses may state the decision within the email, while others will require you to log into the applicant portal to check the admission decision. The school accepted 5770 students. UC Berkeley offers on-campus housing for students. I think you can use the flex dollars for sure. socofam April 30, 2023, 4:51pm 2396. Please enable Strictly Necessary Cookies first to allow your preferences to be saved! I didnt love or hate it, but I will admit that I didnt make a single friend in any of the classes I took as it seemed students came to class to learn, not socialize. Personal or family funds do not qualify. Lectures Professors And teaching professors still do some research. Copyright 2023 UC Regents; all rights reserved. Sign up for an account or login to start your college list. However, students admitted to UC Davis have a higher GPA, andsome of our majors require additional courseworkwith higher GPA thresholds. However, transfer studentsmust re-enter with their UC Berkeley I-20 or DS-2019and not the previous school's document. Yep. Here students can work side-by-side with Nobel Laureates, Fields medal winners, Fulbright Scholars and MacArthur fellows. https://t.co/u21q0ISP15, Copyright 2023 UC Regents; all rights reserved. Avoid College Application Regrets: Tips For Getting It Right the First Time. While we do have several grandparents to my student that went to Cal our letter does not mention it (but we did not write about it or list it anywhere in the application). thanks for info! have adequate financial support for all of their school and living expenses, including additional financial support for any accompanying family members, for the duration of your degree program as determined by normative time AND 51% of your total financial support comes from an institutional or government sponsor in the form of a scholarship, fellowship, assistantship, stipend, tuition waiver, or other direct support provided specifically for the educational program. Due to COVID-19, I wont be getting the college experience I had hoped for. He covered eight Final Fours, four NBA Finals and four Summer Olympics. From a huge public university, agreed that this is a nice touch. There are many ways for students to get involved at University of California, Berkeley! Ohhhh, come on now! So this is interesting as our email is completely different. We may know in the next few days whether two of Mark Madsen's best players at Utah Valley last season are ready to follow their coach to Cal. I could live with University of California, Golden Sunset. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Are you interested in music or performing? I just updated the confirmed and projected (based on previous application cycles) Fall 2023 UC transfer decision release dates. Learn more about the cookies or switch them off here. receive a majority of their financial support from sources other than personal funds. Confirmed: Results Releasing 3/21. The email from CalParents makes me think twice, and maybe I should keep making donations so my 2nd kid will get accepted in a couple of years: Congratulations on [DDs] acceptance and decision to attend the University of California, Berkeley! The definition of a "good school" is different for different people. From expeditions to Egypt in the late 1800s to stem cell research and artificial intelligence today, Berkeley has been at the forefront of research throughout its history. 00 Days. Want to change the world?