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Though Ive reached the C2 stage myself in French, Spanish and am close to it in other languages, realistically I only really need to be socially equivalent in a language I want to communicate in. It never gets old. And a separate issue lets say you become super-native-fluent in 25 languageshow are you going to find the time to use them all, other than to boast about it on a blog? This is a post you all requested, so I hope you enjoy it! Great backing up of facts as well. If you need to hear and use a language consistently to be immersed, cant virtual immersion be just as effective? But after adolescence we dont learn languages so easily. Ive been living in Norway for four years and married to a Norwegian for 12 and STILL dont speak Norwegian.. You average adult L2 learner after receiving the same number of hours of exposure wont be even close. I tried learning Japanese, Spanish and Thai using this type of method and failed to learn all three languages. Id also used it before effectively to get some basic holiday Greek and learn the Greek alphabet. Benny is one of the many language learners that consistently wow me as well. 3. The coming together of two worlds! I have eaten the I saw that Uber recently launched in Panama City and Im an ideal fit for the community manager role. Ive been trying to learn Spanish, because my husband is Colombian, and after almost 2 years living there my Spanish still sucks. Also, the program was almost $100. Translations and recordings of Tim Ferriss' 12 Sentences by native Knowing French and some Spanish also helped me get through The Cantebury Tales in high school English. Both adults and kids have their own advantages. I will never be able to cancel this quarterly subscription ever! Even after this period, they couldnt properly mimic the calls of their parents and siblings), You should also look at research done with feral and abused children who were kept in confinement. Yes, keep working hard!! Ive got friends who have been successful using this. Age changes in the ability to replicate foreign pronunciation and intonation. Time with a native, a good Youtube video explaining the sounds, and practice for a few hours may be all that you need! As the director of an International School i have given this material to my ESL teachers. Is Tim Ferriss' Deconstructing Method a Better Way to Learn a It was born out of the need to create work in France. You are quite impressive with your learning! The nice thing is, you really dont need any background in the language at all, so you could start doing this immediately. It has made teaching and understanding why we say the things we say so much easier . The only words identical or similar in Finnish and English are idea and sauna. Doesnt sound like spam at all! Heres a list I compiled of familiar words in Hungarian: