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This also throws suspicion on Derek when a cigarette case with the letter "K" is found. Katherine is saved by Lenox jumping on Mason and biting her on the neck. Howdy! Dust-jacket illustration of the first UK edition. The Mystery of the Blue Train begins with the introduction of distantly related characters, each with their own nuances, dark secrets, and ambitions. This is the only major work by Agatha Christie in which the UK first edition carries no copyright or publication date. The story itself, even though derived from the 1923 Poirot short story The Plymouth Express, did not come easily to her and she referred to this novel in her autobiography stating that she "always hated it". She has just inherited a lot of money and is about to travel to visit relations in the South of France, but is nervous. Since Knighton was supposedly in Paris, no one would have suspected him. Your email address will not be published. Can you list the top facts and stats about The Mystery of the Blue Train? Sadly they have not. These were events which disturbed her for the remainder of her lifeand Christie learned that people she expected to be allies in her time of need turned away from her. Pingback: Bob on Books Top Viewed Reviews of 2022 | Bob on Books. 1972, Greenway edition of collected works (William Collins), Hardcover, 286 pp. The Mystery of the Blue Train was a . Was this just a jewelry theft gone bad or something more? Moods. What is the French language plot outline for The Mystery of the Blue Train (2005)? Since Knighton was supposedly in Paris, no one would have suspected him. Copyright Shades Of Words 2019. The events of 1926 with the death of her mother, her husband's infidelity and her breakdown and ten-day disappearance had left a deep psychological scar and now separated from Archie Christie and in need of funds she turned back to writing. Purists will probably be angry at this, but it's my guess (never having read the book, mind you) that most of the changes must have been improvements. This is the only major work by Agatha Christie in which the UK first edition carries no copyright or publication date. ", Robert Barnard: "Christie's least favourite story, which she struggled with just before and after the disappearance. Bound for the Riviera, detective Hercule Poirot has boarded Le Train Bleu, an elegant, leisurely means of travel, free of intrigue. Lady Tamplin, Corky and her daughter Lennox also travel on the blue train. All Rights Reserved. The Mystery of the Blue Train is a work of detective fiction by British writer Agatha Christie, first published in the United Kingdom by William Collins & Sons on 29 March 1928. Poirot offers to go with her on the Blue Train. So does Katherine Grey, who is having her first winter out of England, after recently receiving a relatively large inheritance. Did you read Elephants can remember and if not, do read it. The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie (Unpaid endorsement), "whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." What part did the beautiful foreign dancer play? Apart from Poirot and Katherine, others on the train include the Tamplin family (Katherine's cousins), millionaire Rufus van Aldin and his daughter Ruth Kettering, Ruth's penniliess husband Derek, and her boyfriend - and Ruth has a very valuable ruby with her called 'The Heart of Fire'.