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It can get even worse when it comes to things they're super-passionate about. Yet they often struggle with their inner self and follow their heart instead of logic. People born under this zodiac sign are known for their loyalty and integrity, but there is the dark side of Capricorn to consider, especially in long-term relationships. Capricorns are ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure. You need to let a Capricorn woman know that you accept anything she says when she expresses her feelings to you. Be careful not to overdo it though; Capricorn women dont enjoy being spoiled in a showy way. satisfied that they have had the last word, they will want to dictate all As someone who enjoys freedom, they can easily tip into being flaky because they want to move at their own pace. This is partly because their bright side is one of the brightest in the zodiac, Mckean says. She adds, "Goat J. Edgar Hoover was just doing his Saturn thing.". This can get frustrating because she is extremely independent, which may take you a long time to finally get her attention back. Animals have fascinating personality quirks, just like each sign of the zodiac. See also: Capricorn man is playing you if you see these signs. Below the surface, they're passionate and have a deep sense of humanity. Mercury in Capricorn She likes to live her life cautiously and does not prefer taking uncalculated risks. It's not uncommon for you to tell a story and then deny it later on when confronted. A Capricorn woman will believe that you truly value her and care about her as a result of this. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. They have long-term goals and are stubbornly determined to overcome whatever stands in their way. Her disciplined life is well-balanced with a strict routine and efficient organizational skills. She has her style and carries it accordingly. If they do, they can expect great support and devotion from their Capricorn partner. So here's how you show your dark side, based on your zodiac sign. Partners of Be it a challenging task or a long road towards her goal, she does not lose hope and stays motivated till the very end. You may not be about rushing things, but you do want to get things done ASAP. "But when a Sag feels humiliated beyond repair or forgetfulness, or if they meet someone so mighty they feel like their arrows are forbidden to reach, they become brooding, angry, and they simmer," she says. She is deeply motivated to accomplish her goals and works harder towards a better future and envisioned aspirations. zodiac. Your adaptable nature makes it easy for you to do that, and more often than not, you don't do it with malicious intent. It could stroke your ego, but it wont do anything to mend your strained bond. Capricorn will do their best to retain some self-control when it comes to blurting out random facts or correcting people, but don't count on it.