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Click on the link for production data query (pdq). The TRC typically worked with the regulated industries to improve operations, share best practices, and address consumer complaints. If you do not want the layer to be projected, simply delete the .prj file associated with the layer. The Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) is committed to making its website accessible to all users. PDF Texas atural Gas Flaring and Venting Regulations - Energy Information on most of the wells ever drilled in Texas is contained in the Full Well Bore file. He believed that the agency should pursue two main goals: to protect consumers from unfair railway practices and excessive rates, and to support the state's overall economic growth. Then type the abstract number into the correct field. It's all here including a way to submit your comments for proposed rules online. APPLICATION. This will ensure 24-hour, 7 day a week access to important RRC data. To enable us to respond in the most helpful way, please be sure to communicate the following: 1) the nature of your accessibility problem; 2) the format in which you prefer to receive the material; 3) the web address of the requested material; and 4) your contact information. No specific seat is designated as chairman; the commissioners choose the chairman from among themselves. The Commission specifically disclaims any and all warranties, representations, or endorsements, express or implied, with regard to these data sets, including, but not limited to, the warranties of merchant-ability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of privately owned rights. pertinent information concerning spacing and density exceptions. AUSTIN - The Railroad Commission of Texas this week launches its first-ever interactive data maps providing oil and gas production and the locations of abandoned wells plugged by the Commission statewide and by individual counties. Texas-Drilling.com obtains all relevant oil and gas data and information from the Texas Railroad Commission in accordance with the . This data set contains information on every application for high cost gas severance tax incentive certification for tight sands. Texas Railroad Commission. Click on the green dot to bring up a pop-up window with the well details. From January 2019 forward, the maps will be updated each month with year-to-date statistics.