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It is almost like an "out of phase" tone. Here we help you identify the specific system in your Taylor guitar. Remember: Keep the volume low for this type of test. When one works with precision too, First you dont see it, now you do! Hooray! If yours looks like this, you have an Expression System 1 (ES1) pickup. It sounds great through an amp or PA System. Alright! Oops, looks like you forgot something. I have to hand it to Taylor: they engineer some pretty serious guitars, but they dont exactly make it easy if something needs to be fixed. The pickup system works fine, you just have to be aware of some of the limitations noted above. These strings offer a clean tone with a promising, bright, and balanced sound. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. With exceptional output quality and tune amplification, Taylor ES2 is surely out of the ordinary. Thats because if the pickups are installed too high, the magnetic field of a pickup will create unwanted tones. The 214ce Deluxe sounds great acoustically and plays great, but when I plug it in to my Fishman Loud box Mini, it has a "Quack Type" sound to it.