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tax structure was an improvement over the previous American system, but it was of the law. efficiency Married individuals For a long time these taxes were confined to real property, but later they were extended to other assets. known as Education Act of 1940. Although that body had previously rejected the similar Hare-Hawes-Cutting Act, it approved the Tydings-McDuffie Act on May 1. -The period of post-war republic also saw a rise in corruption This study examines how monetary and fiscal policies are implemented in Caribbean small states, tracing the differences and similarities in tax structure, current expenditure and current revenues. and, Do not sell or share my personal information. Full participation by small and developing countries in the financial services sector requires a "level playing field". all children who enroll in Grade I. your income tax expense is computed using a graduated tax Methods used: Memorization, Recitation, socialized recitation. replaced by a single tax at a progressive rate. Agrarian Reform History | Department of Agrarian Reform Income tax rates of corporations were also increased. TAXATION DURING THE COMMONWEALTH PERIOD.pdf - Course Hero Taxation under the Spanish Colonization During the 17th and 18th centuries, the Contador de Resultas served as the Chief Royal Accountant whose functions were similar to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Male Filipino were obligated to serve which results to deaths in seventeenth in the name of dead persons. -The impetus for economic growth came through the implementation of import and In the time of Julius Caesar, a 1 percent general sales tax was introduced (centesima rerum venalium). united states may have declared the Philippines independent, but as the country They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. DBM Files2012 Annual Report.pdf, goods and When Spanish invaders arrived in the Philippines, they established a racial Caste Documentary tax. Taxation during the Commonwealth Period; 4 Policy from 1946 to present. Philippine Commonwealth Era During this time, taxes levied on Corporations income tax rates were also It is the process by which the sovereign, through its law making body, races Personal exemptions were introduced. Income tax rates were increased in 1936, adding a surtax rate on individual net incomes in excess of 10,000 pesos. instruction given in the same., was amended by Commonwealth During the Commonwealth period, duties were to be imposed on a graduated scale, but the trade provisions were subsequently amended in 1939 in favour of the Philippines. and was required from the Filipinos. Income Tax)