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Bypass TOP offset for all primary TIN debts. Reverse TOP offsets for the full amount available, prior to taking any further action on the account. The taxable amount of Unemployment Compensation or Social Security Benefits shown on the joint return must be used when allocating the separate Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) for each spouse who received the benefit(s). Most of refunds are canceled for the original amount issued. Research to see if the Form 8379, is for another tax year. If a TC 898 posted with an invalid OTN and a TC 766 was input to reverse the invalid OTN. California and New Mexico recognized same-sex marriages starting in mid to late 2013. When the Standard Deduction is taken along with Charitable contributions allocate the Charitable contributions as entered on the Form 8379. 1. Research Command Code INOLES or IAT Results IS tool under both the primary and secondary Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), for the debt indicator: "B" - Both Federal tax debt and Treasury Offset Program debt. Reverse a TOP offset to the Office of Child Support Enforcement that occurred after October 17, 2005 due to an automatic stay for bankruptcy. TC 570) to hold the overpayment when it is necessary to input a credit transfer on IDRS. Specific account conditions, such as freeze codes, will determine the date by which the OBR must be processed. Reverse tax offsets in the opposite order in which they occurred. Follow instructions in IRM, Outstanding Balance Considerations Prior to Refund or Credit Elect, when reversing offsets and issuing a manual refund from an account where the taxpayer previously made a credit election. See IRM, Manual Reversal of TOP Offset. A manual reversal is required. If you work at a remote call site and you don't have access to CIS to view the Form 8379 Allocation Worksheet or do not work injured spouse allocations, transfer the call to Application 35 using ACD = 92035 or IUP = 1035 DO NOT transfer the call if the taxpayer is simply asking about the status of their claim. TOP matches people and businesses who owe delinquent debts with money that federal agencies are paying (for example, a tax refund). Satisfy a balance due that resulted from an amended return received after the due date on the module where the offset occurred. If the case is assigned to a CSR and you do not have access to CIS, issue 4442/e4442 to the CSR. Advise the taxpayer that IRS cannot bypass a completed TOP offset for hardship. Financial help for businesses - Coronavirus COVID-19 Response - California Overpayments credited against unpaid federal tax liabilities must be credited within the applicable period of limitations see IRC 6402 (a). Follow procedures in (2) below, if appropriate. If the income data wages/withholding is not verifiable, submit an E4442 to RICS/IVO requesting a determination of the return. For more information on FTHBC, refer to, 9) Taxpayer's overpayment is being held by CI pending review of his/her tax return, There is a -Z or Z- Freeze on the account Questionable Refund Program (QRP). Use activity code IS-PN-ERS. See RC statements below: RC 086 - "an injured spouse claim was filed requesting a refund of the non-obligated spouses share of the amount applied against the non-tax debt. How does a federal tax refund offset work? | The Administration for The BPI is posted/displayed along with the TC 840/TC 846 on all output screens such as CC TXMOD, CC IMFOL, CC BMFOL, and on CC MFTRA transcripts.