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Arabic sladk sny Czech Sov godt Danish se Trume German Greek bonajn sonojn Esperanto dulces sueos Spanish Persian kauniita unia Finnish doux rves French codladh smh Irish Hindi des lmok Hungarian WebContextual translation of "good night sweet dreams" into Persian. Sample Tell us about it. Last Update: 2011-10-24 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: good night sweet dreams Last Update: 2019-10-20 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous good night , sir . Sweet Dreams WebCebuano Translation. , while we walked back to see the mules, thirsty after their long day's march, rush with the foot soldiers into the pond, kicking and splashing with pleasure in the. sweet dreams Read more to see how to say no in Spanish in 8 different contexts. Join our editorial mailing list for weekly easy-to-read insights into language, culture, and distant destinations. Suggest a better translation Webuh its in there . Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. maude , sweet dreams . WebTranslation of "sweet dreams" in French Adverb beaux rves doux rves bonne nuit rves doux fais de beaux rves jolis rves faites de beaux rves douces rveries Dors bien Faites de beaux rves Show more You can have sweet dreams in total relaxation. Dream Of Sweets Meaning sweet dreams Sleep well, as in Good night, children, sweet dreams. Below we have listed many useful expressions including: Greeting Phrases | Farewell Expressions | Holidays and Wishes | How to Introduce Yourself | Romance and Love Phrases | Solving a Misunderstanding | Asking for Directions | Emergency Survival Phrases | Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases | Daily Expressions | Cuss Words (Polite) | Writing a Letter | Short Expressions and words. Comment dit-on professeur contractuel de lenseignement se How do you say this in English (US)? Persian. WebThis page contains a course in Persian phrases and daily expressions as well as a list of other lessons in grammar topics and common words in Persian also called Farsi. WebIn the lan d of sweet dreams. If you hear it, reply to it with the same phrase or a thank you: shukran. If you meant sweet dreams : sweet dreams . Don't forget to bookmark this page. Phrases and daily expressions have a very important role in Farsi. The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down. 1 May 2023. aHilaman sa'iidatan. fa-volume-up:hover:before{ English Farsi bilingual children's book. Whether youre speaking to a male, female, or a group, you use the same phrase. Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers. It is used commonly in spoken conversations as a reply to masaa al-khayr. When directed at a male its pronounced as it is, but when youre speaking to a female its tiSbaHy ala khair.