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If a situation ever arises when you are angry and are contacting someone about it, be sure to wait at least 24 hours. That means your. Follow-up responses to classmate's initial DQs that integrate course theories with a Meanwhile, geothermal power plants could provide up to 10 % of its power demand. According to GCU, a substantive post should meet the following characteristics: It should contribute to the discussion by providing new information or insights related to the topic. Skip to document. Copyright 2015 End the post with an open-ended follow up question. considered substantial. The benefits of a post-master's degree include: Get More Information Find a Post-Master's Certificate Historical Study. Gcu substantive post | TutorsOnSpot Many doctors work as locums after completing their training while they wait for the right substantive post to come up. It is essential to validate the accuracy of the data and find primary sources. It is more that I feel that, by adding a different view, subject or idea on a topic with a unique response, is what will keep a conversation interesting. Traditional college classes take place on campus in a classroom, lecture hall or laboratory. days before Sunday at midnight. She explained and, guided me through my examination of every aspect of the LoudCloud. Address the problem and then suggest a solution. Student 2: Hi student 1. which is showing us many Thank you. devoted to me before I viewed the Walk to Class tutorial. Visit any ACE Center on campus for assistance with resume preparation, online applications and interview preparation. response to the 1st discussion question by Day 3, and the 2nd discussion question by Day 5 of This website does not fully support Internet Explorer. Any sources cited were Click Request Info above to learn more about your first step, 1University of Missouri-St. Louis, Qualitative Research Designs in May 2021, 2Research Rundowns, Qualitative Research Design in May 2021. This also helps me to think of ideas that I can use for my own initial response. The purpose of a historical study is to draw conclusions about the present and future, based off research conducted in the past.1, This model depends on adequate interview sources and historical documents. College & university. yourself when it comes to helpful information. The purpose of a historical study is to draw conclusions about the present and future, based off research conducted in the past. available points for each day late. Cross), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Give Me Liberty!