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There are a number of things that may cause a whining sound. This sound may be a indicator of a slackened belt, in which case the tensioner roller or its wear and tear may be responsible. Therefore, there are several steps to fix it. If theres play in the tire, then its time to replace the wheel bearings. RELATED: How to find a Vacuum Leak & How to Fix It (8 Easy Steps). A transmission oil pump is an integral part of the transmission unit. So, if youre wondering what does a whining noise when accelerating mean, it could mean you have a restricted transmission fluid passage. If the noises seem to have a relation with the engine speed, the engine is in trouble. Front Passenger Lock sometimes does not lock with a remote control or by locking button located on either doors. If you track down the whining noise to one of the wheel wells, youre off to a great start. Shop 2022 Subaru Outback SUVs in Florence-Graham, CA for sale at You will need to define if this noise appears abruptly and if it can stop as it started. As you accelerate, this will spin faster and faster, adding to the overall noise. However, the whining noise might be coming from the alternator itself. It could also be due to a power steering issue, worn bearing or low engine oil. It starts at about 3,000 rpms and it isn't gear specific. Ma Subaru Forester makes whining noise when I accelerate: As we know that you do not take these complications lightly, we have decided to write this document to support you find the causes and eliminate this matter as quickly as possible. Its a common ploy to attach zip ties or other components around the driveline, and as you drive, youll hear them making tons of noise underneath your vehicle. This sound may be a sign of a slackened belt, in which case the tensioner roller or its wear and tear may be to blame. If the stator goes bad, the clutches will make rattling noises. However, you should know your transmission sound to avoid confusing a fault with a normal operational sound. If more than one cylinder misfires, this will increase or decrease the revolutions per minute (RPM) of the crankshaft. At the first sign of strange noises, you should stop the vehicle in a safe location and perform a visual inspection. The rising noise in the car can indicate an engine problem too. Generally, a whining transmission is bad. Well, heres our take on how to deal with when you have a noisy car. That's what I thought at first, and it may very well be that since it is my first time driving one. Repair or change the gear components if they are damaged. After that, unbolt the crankcase. If you take off your shift boot console and the noise is amplified, it's coming from the transmission, even if it sounds like it's in the dash as it resonates there. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. 11 Car Sounds You Should Never Ignore - Bob Vila At that point, you have a problem with gears or bearings, and these are more expensive to repair.