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He took offence, raising his voice, he said "No one is answering me! #mirandabailey He."Maya tried to explain herself, still trying to stay calm. This little prompt fic ran away from me several times and this is the third version Ive written. Maya nods. So they coached him through hopping and landing with both feet simultaneously outside the car. Hello! It didn't work and they started to wear out. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. They tried to use the jack to lift the garage door, but it wouldn't budge. Can they get through the difficult times without being reminded of their past? #mayabishop Youre amazing btw. . Will she survive? When Pruitt arrived and gave Andy a pep talk, she used the last of her energy to think of a plan. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Station 19 (TV), Grey's Anatomy General Audiences Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings F/F, F/M Work in Progress 25 Apr 2023 Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Maya Bishop/Carina DeLuca Andy Herrera/Original Male Character (s) Maya Bishop Carina DeLuca Victoria Hughes Theo Ruiz Robert Sullivan Jack Gibson Ben Warren Natasha Ross Ryan told Jack he wasn't allowed to leave the squad car for any reason because he was a civilian. [58] When Dean learned that Jack had grown up in foster care, he was upset that Jack hadn't told him before, but then asked Jack to move in with him, believing that that's what Jack wanted all along. They clearly understand who these characters are and how they think and react to various situations. Set in season 5 after episode 8. Carina watches Mayas chest rise and fall, feeling her warm breath on her cheek as a soft sigh escapes from her lips every time she exhales. So why is it that the team is surprised when they find out their Captain, Maya monogamy is for the weak Bishop, has been in a relationship of almost 10 years with an Italian hotshot doctor that started during her college years. Its a question and answer article, the usual stuff: her background, her Olympic glory, what made her become a firefighter, what she does to keep fit, her ascent up the chain of command. Well, I finished work late and didnt feel like going home to an empty house, Carina says. Dallas called the police after her brother and friends wouldn't wake up when she pulled them out of the pool. sister mayabishop lgbt +15 more #4 I am homeby Lulu 24.9K84042 Its been days since they spent any time together, thanks to an influx of emergency deliveries and a five alarm fire that have kept them both busy at work over the last week. She flicks to page 17 and, sure enough, theres Mayas face looking up at her. May i ask for a prompt where Maya wakes up in the hospital after almost sacrifed her life for Carina (she saved her from a fire) and Carina is super relieved but also mad because she put herself in danger and starts cursing her in Italian and Maya doesn't understand a word but she is so happy to see that her girlfriend is safe (and also because of pain drugs).