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St St. George Roman Catholic Parish. Against you alone have I sinned, Phone: (808) 259-7188. Bulletins; Parish Calendar; Meeting Room Request Form; Reimbursement Form; Ministries. Web41-1323 Kalanianaole Hwy. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faithhis Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, by Real Life Catholic Greenwood Village, CO 330-732-5228 | Location | Website. Each week we will send you an email update with a link to the current week's bulletin. Bulletin - St. George Parish - Guilford, CT Bulletin - St. George Catholic Church Annual Pieta Mass to Honor and Remember our Children Catholic News & Perspectives Button. and forgive us our trespasses Tuesday: 6:00 PM. St. George Catholic Church - Our Parish Uniquely embraced by the majestic Ko'olau and rolling seas, we strive to be a welcoming parish and commitourselves to serve thepeople ofGod through outreach, unity and renewal. The faith community of St. George welcomes you! 328 West McMillan St., Cincinnati, OH 45219, Due to COVID-19 closures, many churches are not gathering for Mass. WebBULLETINS. I will teach the unjust your ways, Subscribe * Recent Bulletins St. GEORGE CATHOLIC CHURCH. WebWeekly bulletins from St. George Catholic Church in Long Lake, MN. Give a Donation. More than 150 people from across the archdiocese attended the Treasures of Our Faith Retreat, hosted by Mary Our Mother Foundation. You are invited to attend the Pieta The deadline for submitting notices is by noon on the Sunday before the next Sunday bulletin is due. Bulletin Names sake. For if you had wanted sacrifice, I would have given it, WebSt. O Lord, cleanse us of our sins; Tabernacle Society. 573-897-2293 | 613 E. Main Street, Linn MO 65051 | PO Box 49 and my mouth will declare your praise. 4:00 PM Evening Prayer. Subscribe to eBulletin and get it delivered to your email by completing the form below. Amen. St Anthonys Voice (Divine Mercy Sunday, Apr 16, St Anthonys Voice (Easter Sunday, Apr 9, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (Palm Sunday, Apr 2, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (5th Sun of Lent, Mar 26, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (4th Sun of Lent, Mar 19, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (3rd Sun of Lent, Mar 12, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (2nd Sun of Lent, Mar 5, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (1st Sun of Lent, Feb 26, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (7th Ordinary Sun, Feb 19, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (6th Ordinary Sun, Feb 12, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (5th Ordinary Sun, Feb 5, 2023), Anthonys Voice (4th Ordinary Sun, Jan 29, 2023), St Anthonys Voice (3rd Ordinary Sun, Jan 22, 2023).