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The native will constantly put out love to the world hoping that they receive it back they may even develop a no one will love me like I love mentality. No one else can read your mind or feels what you feel. Here are preferences for you based off of your 7th house in your natal chart. The native could be quite spiritually in-tuned. A girl may get younger spouse by few months. Indicators of a foreign spouse? | Lipstick Alley Though this gives them the gift of being quite experimental and open to whatever comes across their path. -10H stellium in juno persona chart= a famous/well-known spouse (i have this tho)/ 1H or 2H stellium= an attractive (or athletic) spouse/ 3H stellium= a communicative and social spouse/ 4H stellium=very nurturing and domestic spouse. Untitled on Tumblr Also, manipulation is totally their thing even if they dont do it intentionally, Hi, i just noticed that i never done astro observations about sr chart. hills ASTROLOGER INDICATORS spouse prediction in astrology spouse characteristics - TalktoAstro These people are usually very well liked among their peers and could have the chance to even be popular. The spouse of natives with Venus in 9th house will be very attractive and have a good heart too. You were probably that person at school who everyone laughed at because of his bad grades lmaooo. My 16 years old sister has this placement and i feel like she will marry with a rich. -I have sag pluto squaring my virgo asc and everyone think i am either a virgo or scorpio sun lol. The individual may easily get extremely liked by others with their natural charm to handle conflict. To determine the direction that one may move after marriage, the direction indicated by the strongest planet in the 7th house can be the direction of spouse in astrology. This is useless to ask me if im doing it for free, please respect my work, i take a lot of time do it. If the energy isn't dominant and remains a little dormant, it shows a few other traits such as more docile, calm behavior (I feel as if I'm talking about a pet puppy); toxic behavioral patterns can be detected too! The native is easily respected and may love to help others with their best efforts but this can make them easily drained as it, The native this life-time will have a theme of finding the higher purpose to things the ultimate answer and truth seeker.