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That way, even as you reduce the light hitting the sensor, you maintain the overall brightness of the photo. Please read my Disclosure and Privacy policies here. Ultimately you must decide, if spending a minimum of $1200 on a lens is worth shooting a few shots indoors. ISO measures your camera's light sensitivity. It can be tricky because there is so so soooo much action taking placeright? He also carries a second camera with a much smaller EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM lens to capture wider shots. You had to pay attention to exposure at all times, making changes as players transitioned from light to shadow or vice versa sometimes in the middle of a play. I recently upgraded my gear to a Canon 5D Mark III along with a 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; You could also try to experiment with different focal lengths. Out of the box, your camera will usually come with its AF mode set by default to Single Shot AF, and this is where most photographers tend to stay. 253 Share your thoughts in the comments below! And unlike film, Picture Style lets you fine-tune this look, modifying things like sharpening, color saturation, and most importantly, contrast. It wont match the quality of the full-frame stuff (especially when it comes to shooting in low light), but it will effectively give your lenses a little more reach, thanks to the crop. The 24-megapixel mark is solid, but more will also be fine. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; The lower the aperture number, the lower the ISO needs to be to achieve this shutter speed. Theres a learning curve that you dont typically see in a $1,500 camera, but its worth the effort to figure out. I have been writing about and reviewing cameras since 2008, when I joined Popular Photographys staff. It simply takes a lot of research. Learn the best ways to create amazing images and videos, share your works with the community and be inspired by our community. Best Canon Camera for Sports Photography What Settings to Use for Night Sports Photography? - TheSweetCamera Even better because it allows you to use it most everyday for most every event/situation youll want to shoot pictures at. Sports photography often requires high-ISO shooting, and the R3s sensor has no problem reaching high numbers. Ive gone as high as ISO 12,8000 and still gotten usable images out of it in tough situations. You may also like this reading list tailored just for you, Share your photos on My Canon Story & stand a chance to be featured on our social media platforms, By continuing to use this website, you are agreeing to our, Brought to you by Canon Singapore Pte Ltd. The wide-angle main lens is sharp and captures detailed images, even if the angle of view may be somewhat limiting. To get the best possible experience using our website we recommend that you upgrade to a newer version of the web browser.