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Could get an hour and a half or so, depending. I mixed 50/50 with regular thin set and seemed to get a much better working time with it, and still had set tiles after a couple hours, just not 30 minutes. Rapid set mortar? Experiences? Tips for use? - JLC Online Bob, the thinset bag has a list of times on it. Quick curing properties allow for grouting in as little as 2 hours and light traffic in 6 hours. Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, Washington D.C. stream Hunker may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Solidly embed the tile in the mortar, pushing the tile in a back and forth motion to collapse the mortar ridges. 2 0 obj Allow grout to relax or slake for 15 minutes, then remix. Epoxy mortars work well for porcelain and ceramic, as well as for glass, stone, metal, mosaic, and pebbles. Coverage may vary based on installation practices and jobsite conditions. Step Four: Dust and dirt can cause thinset to bond poorly. Protect the installation from freezing for a minimum of 28 days. Porcelain plus Ditra will cause quite a barrier but there is also airflow of the room and temperature. Mechanical strength is strong, so they hold the tile firmly in place and resist compression. Allow the grout to slake to 10 minutes, then remix. What is the working time of Schluter mortars? We havent changed our position on thin-set mortar use within our systems. Accelerators do work I use them especially when doing outdoor work in cold weather. Also, using hot water makes it set faster than cold water. << /Type /Pages Its quick-curing properties allow for grouting in as little as 3 hours and light traffic in 4 hours. It cannot cure too fast: Otherwise, you do not have adequate working time. Step Seven: As you install tile, avoid excess thinset from squeezing up in between tiles. Lee has over two decades of hands-on experience remodeling, fixing, and improving homes, and has been providing home improvement advice for over 13 years. Due to the difficulty in mixing and working with epoxy mortars, they tend to be used by professional tile installers more than by do-it-yourselfers. Difficult to remove. Also this is for an indoor job. Use quick-setting polymer-enhanced mortar. Choosing the right tile mortar can be a lot simpler than you might think. By creating an account you agree to the Hunker. Receive access to helpful resources and ensure youre operating successfully long-term. I think that will be product/chemical dependent and has to do with the ratios you are using. However will it cure faster or cause an issue with the cure. Make sure to observe the open time of the thin-set mortar. Which ability is most related to insanity: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution, or Intelligence?