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Watcher is highly regarded as the strongest of the \(4\) characters in Slay the Spire. If you have any interesting seed you want to share, please by all means do so. I do not know, but I invite any interested programmer to check out the C++ and CUDA code. This is a fantastic card for whittling down opponents . This search ran through the first \(10\) trillions seeds in one to two weeks of frequent breaks and changes to search parameters,. Forced burning elite (with the metallicizing buff) on floor \(6\) with no shops or rest sites beforehand. (Cards are not restricted by your character. For a forced burning elite with no shops or rest sites beforehand (call this filter \(\mathcal{B}\)), only \(1\) in every \(\sim 225,000\) seeds passes through. Since the player has at most \(5\) cards in-hand at the start of turn \(t\), there are at least \(5+k\) cards in the draw pile. Seed Spreadsheet : r/slaythespire - Reddit Please use, contribute, and enjoy! He teaches Spanish at McGill by day and writes next to his Staffy x Boxer rescue from the SPCA by night. For example, by duplicating combats, the player can turn a \(3\)-combat path into one with \(5\) or even \(6\) combats before the burning elite. XD. Footwork, Neutralize, Ascenders Bane, Defend, Strike. Love the Dropkick infinity card draw whenever I got it. It takes around 150-200 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game. Adds 1 Wraith Form card. javajavamod. Moreover, due to the limited card pool and relics, and the available potions, no cards can be played to increase the number of cards in-hand. Since the random number generation of Spire is determined uniquely by the run seed, the player can replay a seed, alter their card play order (and thus the outcome of later deck shuffles), and make unintuitive decisions, to maximize health and other resources throughout the run. In total, there are roughly 18.4 quintillion seed combinations for the game.