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While technically the bylaw may require riders to have a bicycle bell, it may very rarely be used. How to Prove Selective Enforcement By a Florida Condo Association By: mccdave on 2/25/09 HOA Selective Enforcement: What it Means for Homeowners - Kuester Why hasnt the town manager or the mayor been in to wish us well? You probably dont want to come across like youre paranoid, or like you are harboring a grudge against one of your neighbors. The example does, however, point to a larger issue the town should carefully consider. Truth is, if the county inspected all buildings over 30 years old, they'd find most have code violations. Officer who swooped in when Bill Wolfe was thrown in jail for drugs- Funny, the new articles of incorporation have been changed by the Apostle, giving the Apostle all the power to make desciions over the property- I believe that corporate take over is fraud- Keep writing Mr. Blackburn good job! Code Compliance: Difficulties and Ideas for Small Towns While county officials pursue a vigorous (some say pernicious) criminal prosecution against high-profile De Vaul and his South County Sunny Acres Ranch for the hapless, another, longer-running code enforcement drama is being played out 20 miles northwest at a commune called Roandoak of God. At last night's Columbia Borough Council meeting, Gerald Maurer, 518 North Third Street, alleged that the Columbia Borough Codes Department has engaged in several incidents of selective enforcement, nonfeasance, and misfeasance over the past few years. But the permit was never acted upon. Former building administrator Jack Fryday also acknowledged there were no written fire inspection . . There is no need for vulgarity on this blog and I find it very distracting from any point that might have been made. Goodwin is working with our building department to reactivate the permits [for the dormitory], said Voss. If it does become a problem, though, you have every right to know about these different options. Randomly giving one or two houses warnings with no followup doesnt = doing you job, nor does it promote civil and social harmony. This can cause members to feel as though they are being targeted or singled out. The specific situations in which an HOA board enforces the rules can vary from one association to the next. Either option is alright to enforce the rule of the HOA, just so long as it is applied consistently and without any hint of favoritism. Similarly, the fact that her illegal shop has been in place a long time without complaints being made does not make her current situation any less a violation (and what distinguishes a long-term violation from a lawful nonconformity is a post for another day). As required by those cases I demonstrate that the County has targeted me because it has arbitrarily classified me as an enemy of the county code enforcement department. By: soca on 5/7/09 Enforcement priorities were further defined by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which started in 2012. The city inspection was triggered by the personal animosity of a neighbor. While discretion enables them to decide when and what to investigate, issues arise when an officers decision may be questionable.