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The revenue will provide enhanced visitor services, including repair and maintenance of facilities, capital improvements, resource protection, and visitor programs and services.Here are some future proposed projects: Increase visitor access to the historic Mortar Battery. Weekly badges are $15, and daily are $10. FAQs Fee Increase at Jacob Riis Park 2022 Jersey Shore Beach Guide: Beach Badges And Parking All permit applications take up to 10 business days to process once application and permit fee has been received. What are the new fees? Renovation of the Guardian Park restrooms. and cultural destinations in your zip code and across the country. The Sandy Hook beach fishing map (300 kb) shows a couple fishing areas located on the east side of Sandy Hook (the west side is mostly closed to fishing . Such lots will have a US FEE AREA sign at the entrance (Parking Lots B, C, D, E, G, I, J, and K). Please see directions below. - Float suits and personal flotation devices (PFDs) that incorporate 3 points of retention into their design may be used for swimming in park waters. . Season badges for seniors are $10 and must be purchased in person at borough hall, 1621 Long Beach Blvd., Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Beach entry is free for veterans who show ID, active-duty military and their spouse with military ID, and for children 12 and younger. Please drive at 10 mph for our employees who work in the entrance booths. Gateway offers green spaces and beaches alongside historic structures and cultural landscapes. Children 11 and under and seniors 65 or older are free. Pass holders should not expect to have expedited entry through the Fee Plaza and should adhere to the direction of Fee Collectors. Weekly and daily tags go on sale June 5. Pets are not permitted on ocean side beaches March 15- September 15 to protect the nesting shore birds. Plan Your Visit - Gateway National Recreation Area (U.S. National Park