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Striving Readers Grant Proposal Narrative - Ohio endstream endobj 158 0 obj <>stream selection of these is contained below. hVn}]2XIHW4t5Zf)4kDSDQLF83DdI"4)9. 8%GMeh5VIZBXQhJZbgD,ZzIK_DBiI^a{;J And as you begin to build your skills and prepare to write your next proposal, let these examples of successful grant proposals act as a guide to successful grant writing. WebGrants for Literacy Programs Our Mission Dedicated to the Teaching and Encouragement of Reading Learn More 50% of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level 3 The National Adult Literacy Study (NALS) was ultimately established by the Bush administration, and in 1993 published a report that confirmed the fact that there was a problem with the literacy rate in a country that had always considered itself nearly 100% literate. Other programs use volunteers to work with those who are unable to attend classes, or to work on such specific areas as resume writing. St. Stephens Episcopal Church: This is an excellent example of a faith-based organizations proposal to secure funds for a capital project to repair their building. This guidebook will help you identify funding sources, write a persuasive case statement for your program, develop a budget, and write a winning grant! UAF TikTok At this time we would like for other members of the RD family to Join us in promoting Financial Literacy for Individuals with Disabilities. San Francisco: Jossey -Bass. In addition, the restrictions on a single source of funding may make it impossible to do something that you could easily do with money from another source. Program design or your approach to solving the problem. The program contributes to the integration of education and basic research through support of dissertation projects conducted by doctoral students enrolled in U.S. universities. I am honored to submit this proposal from the group within Rd Central Office Philadelphia. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. And finally, how will it be funded? In this article, we'll dig into successful grant proposal examples to show how you can start winning grant funding for your organization. Do you need a certain amount of general knowledge in order to be literate? Ask other members of your team to peer-review the proposal. Reporting Guidelines, 50% of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level, 3 out of 4 on welfare are functionally illiterate, Programsfunded by Believe in Reading so far, 100% are happier readers thanks to these programs. SAMPLE GRANT NARRATIVE - Pearson Ohios Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy (SRCL) proposal is formulated to aggressively amplify the states SCLP by enabling more LEAs to deploy evidence-based