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Throughout the day I would keep little post notes with the time I started a particular project and the time I ended the project and then at the end of my day I would input the amount of time spent on each task in the first column. Billable Hours for Lawyers: A Guide | Clio Another common billing method is the flat rate billing method. In the example I presented above, I billed 0.90 where I could have billed 1.30. Analyze all available medical records and documents produced to date, pursuant to Subpoena Duces Tecum Without Deposition to non-parties, to identify witnesses to testify at trial, in anticipation of preparing Defendant's Witness List. According to Clio's 2021 Legal Trends Report, the average lawyer only bills 31% (or 2.5 hours) of an 8-hour day. To me, having clients who are happy with their bills, happy to see that they are not getting billed if they send me an email asking for an update, happy to pay the time entries that actually are billed, well, that is a sacrifice I am willing to make. The average paralegal hourly rates are lower than lawyers hourly rates. An in-house paralegal can use this information to negotiate salary and gauge an appropriate level of pay. When you are billing you are basically telling a story. You are telling the client, the person that is paying for the bill, that you did something you think is worth X amount of dollars and you expect to be paid for it. This is the most common billing method for production businesses. 0000085690 00000 n Privacy Policy. Ok.. yes, there are time when it does matter. Generalizes the description of the matter. Legal Assistants vs. Paralegals: Whats the Difference? Analyze file for information re subject accident to insure proper party names in preparation for drafting of defendants Proposal for Settlement to plaintiff, in the amount of $_____________ as to defendant, _________ only. But experienced and qualified paralegals can complete substantive legal work on behalf of a supervising attorney at a much lower cost. All tasks are important to the firms success, whether billed or not.