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After a while he snatches it in his mouth and threatens to flush it. Yasmany explains how his grandparents, who he is staying with, cant take care of him and asked him to return to his mother. After saying they need allies to take out FixGabi and, after revealing she got her drone back, reveals four other Gabis. He goes to the others and as they clean up his things, Sal notices the wall switched back but he can still see both walls. Later that night Sal looks at the machine to find the calamatron count to be 679 and sees the silver dots forming his mother performing different actions. He sees Principle dragging Yasmany to her office and follows them. This is where youll see your current point status and your earned rewards. Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2022. My favorite character is Sal because he has magic. He asks Sal for his phone to call Principal Torres and he lends it t him. Rick Riordan Presents a brilliant sci-fi romp with Cuban influence that poses this question: What would you do if you had the power to reach through time and space and retrieve anything you want, including your mother, who is no longer living (in this universe, anyway)? He listens as his former bully turned friend swears at the toilet, who censors his language, and says no one wants or loves him. On Wednesday, Yasmany returns to school and now has stable living conditions and became the first to conquer the red wall. They talk about how unfair it is for Iggy before Sal talks about his fathers line of work. In the morning Sal is grounded for two weeks. Later that day, Sal is in the principal's office for the fourth time that week. Sal things the room would be perfect for the Humpty Dumpty scene while Gabi says she has other matters in mind. They allow it and send some time with him and Gabi before going up and meeting her family. Sequels are always tougher but Sr. Hernandez met the challenge. Gabi starts to angrily text someone before Sal realizes its Yasmany. Sal wake up at 10:37 PM and goes to get something to eat. She reveals that she is using her remembranation machine to seal Sal in his universe, and he fears that negative effects it might have for Iggy. He puts the note in the locker, closes it, and heads home. They say they will not let his father know for fear of what Gustavo might do, but he decides they should all tell his father. She reveals that her Sal switched her and his Gladis, when she checks in they find out that she is freaking out. He goes to the cafeteria to talk with Principal Torres, Sal asks her about Yasmany and she said he went home.