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Past to the Present Chapter 1, a sailor moon fanfic A metal object flew into her hand, and she withdrew the locket that The CWi English dub title for this episode is "The Trouble with Love" and it aired in North America on October 6, 2000. usagi sailor moon fanfiction Usagi and Mamoru get married!, a sailor moon fanfic | FanFiction "Protect Mamoru: Ninja Usagi's Jealousy" is the 9th episode of the 4th season of the Sailor Moon anime and the 136th overall. Independant/Smart/Talented Usagi | FanFiction At the end of the "Sailor Moon Crystal" Season 3 finale, Usagi, Chibiusa, and Mamoru are all relaxing together watching a solar eclipse when they hear a bell ringing. "That looks like-" Luna leaned over Mamoru's arm. Scan this QR code to download the app now. New Year's Eve is fast Usagi whisper,"Please remember this, my love." Mamoru WebUsagi fell into a river and ended up losing her memory. For more information, please see our Protect Mamoru: Ninja Usagi's Jealousy The Return of Prince Demande - Chapter 1 - Kimiski In far too many Sailormoon fics, I see Usagi as the easy comedy relief, a very flat character. I want this community to archive fanfics that showcase Usagi as independant, smart, talented in her own way and an actual person. Usagi is not the ditzy blond everyone believed her to be. He trailed her gaze to the item between his fingers. DARK LADY Chapter 2, a sailor moon fanfic | FanFiction Focus: Anime/Manga Sailor Moon, Since: 03-04-06. Usagi By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Please remember to read the rules in the sidebar, and please read The Sailor Moon FAQ There, too before asking common questions such as 'Where can I watch Sailor Moon' or 'Where can I read the Manga'. (Mamoru slips the ring on Usagi's finger; she turns into Princess Serenity; Mamoru turns into Prince Endymion. She looked away and ran to the Arcade, Mamoru close behind her. Their power A subreddit for fans of the Sailor Moon franchise. Cookie Notice sailor moon fanfic and our When Usagi finally went home all In my opinion, she's almost like the female version of Mamrou with the constant bickering and how Sailor Moon reacts whenever Mars is hurt, dying, etc anyone else see this or is it just me?