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They therefore need be aware of their possible influence on student creativity and be trained to demonstrate creativity fostering behaviour in the classroom. However, it is also a truism that not all teachers are equipped with such capacity-building behaviour. Introduction. There were 6 respondents aged 25 or younger, 12 aged 2635, and another 12 aged 36 or older. Secondly, make it a good habit to report the SD when reporting the mean. The author conclude by suggesting that Administration can positively influence the teachers ability to be creative in the classroom by being open to ideas, by making teachers aware of professional opportunities, and planning meaningful staff development (p. xi). However, there is yet a comprehensive review of these studies and the present article is an effort to fill this vacuum. Some creative thoughts require time to be molded into an idea. Table 1 also shows the means (and SDs) for the subscales and the CFTIndex as a whole. Students with enormously creative solutions may not realize the value of their creativity unless a teacher articulates why their solutions are so effective. Personality traits were measured with a 10-item inventory for the Big Five Factors (i.e. factor analysis. Of the teachers, 62% had a university degree and a majority (62%) of them taught language while the rest taught science, mathematics and humanities. Now that you have an idea of the factors that affect a childs creativity, the role of teachers in helping them develop it comes in. They taught Chinese, mathematics and General Studies. How Can Teachers Support Children With Special Needs? Whether creativity is born or bred is a naturenurture question beyond the scope of this article. The study involved 27 primary school teachers (11 males and 16 females) 17 of whom had eight or less years of teaching and 10 had more. Instead, give them time to figure things out on their own. Furthermore, multiple regression shows Motivation and Evaluation to predict significantly students verbal creativity. They further argued that there was a relevant desirability that acquires a substantive priority, taking into account how important it is for developing professional competencies, the transfer value it has for meaningful learning, and the pertinence it gives to a sensible curriculum (p. 28). Fostering student creativity through teacher behaviors The Creative Classroom Environment - JSTOR Cover your walls with art and other evidence of creative expression.