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The defence for both men pointed out that, if the plan was to kill Singh, it was extraordinary that they had turned up without a weapon or means of restraint. They have different needs to men, like the care of children. Shoker blamed Peters for the violence, saying he had bought the petrol, poured it over Singh and the car, and set fire to it; Peters claimed he had simply done the driving and not witnessed the attack. 'I was actually very relieved when Peter told me he hired a lie detector test. Occasionally, Mahil found herself lying to her mother if she knew there were going to be boys present at the school disco, for instance. Two of my housemates were cuddling me, trying to calm me down.. We were students; 11pm wasnt late. But while Pearls parents await the outcome, they continue to mourn their kind-hearted, patient and loving daughter. (modern), Mundill Mahil: It didnt occur to me to question things till afterwards.. She called Shoker her gangsta friend, and the jury took it literally. When cross-examined by the defence, Shoker acknowledged that Mahil had been told Singh would simply be given a tough talking to; if the men intended any violence, she did not. She was distraught. Around this time, she noticed Shokers feelings towards her changing. She says she panicked. A marriage would be arranged when the time was right. Showing 1 - 1 of 1. There was no thought of revenge that night: she had hoped to put an ugly episode with her former friend behind them. "[When I got to the school] I saw about two vehicles, I saw an ambulance van, another ambulance car. On 25 February 2011, 21-year-old Gagandip Singh was brutally beaten by two men in Mahils Brighton bedroom, before being burned to death in the boot of a Mercedes. She took the exam, but she never told the police. The trial began at the Old Bailey in London on 5 December 2011. Photographs: Metropolitan Police/PA. She had been plotting this attack for months there were several meetings between her brother and her gangster friends. There had been nothing wrong with the trial process, and there was no new evidence; it was simply her word against the prosecution. I was asking, 'Where is she? What of Sonny, whose idea the meeting was, according to Mahil and Shoker? I was hyperventilating, shaking. 'I am hoping they will reconsider on the new evidence. The Truham Boys School and Higgs Girls School are apparently loosely based on creator Alice Oseman's school Rochester Grammar School for Girls, presently known as Rochester Grammar School or RGS.