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Sprinting. Some fractures and dislocations require surgery to repair. Nothing is funny about ring avulsion. Latifi R, El-Hennawy H, El-Menyar A, et al. If the ligament on the bottom of the joint (called the volar plate) is torn, the patient may have pain and looseness on the underside of the finger. Indian J Plast Surg. Ring avulsions are rare injuries in which soft tissue like a ligament, tendon, or muscle are torn loose in the finger when a ring is suddenly and accidentally pulled off. Most people will never experience a ring avulsion, but if you work in a job where you're more likely to catch your ring, you may be at risk. Arteriogram. Finger avulsion injuries: a report of four cases. Bone cells grow out of the bone that broke off and also from the main bone. Firm collagen makes up a callus. Bosman WM, et al. Hydrocolloid bandages are used to treat open, superficial wounds and open pimples. Mallet Injury Forced flexion of extended finger, with extensor tendon avulsion fracture at insertion site On examination distal phalanx is in flexed position with no active extension of DIP joint ("extensor lag"). Other more severe injuries to fingers (fractures, dislocations, deep cuts, or wounds) will need medical treatment. If blood flow is cut off, you could lose the finger. PMID: 26933469. irrigate wound and inspect for visible avulsed vessel, nerve, tendon, damaged skin edges, proximal skin avulsion (from PIPJ to base of digit), distal bone fracture or dislocation (distal to PIPJ, often at DIPJ level), diagnosis is made with careful history and physical examination, minimal soft tissue injury with absence of neurovascular injury, place amputated part, if present, in bag with saline-moistened gauze, followed by bag of ice water, disruption of venous and arterial flow (requires revascularization), complete amputation (especially proximal to PIPJ and FDS insertion) is relative contraindication to replantation, lower overall survival for avulsed digits replantation (60%) than finger replantation in general (90%), lower survival for complete (66%) vs incomplete avulsion replantation (78%), lower survival for avulsed thumb (68%) than finger (78%) replantation, surgeons more likely to attempt technically difficult avulsed thumb replantation where conditions not favorable because of importance of thumb to hand function (unlike other digits, where revision amputation would be performed instead), better sensibility with incomplete avulsion replantation (8mm) than complete (10mm), average total arc of motion (TAM) of 170-200 degrees, better TAM with incomplete avulsion replantation (199 degrees) than complete (174 degrees), replantation likely to leave poor hand function, consider revision amputation or ray amputation, thorough arterial debridement (inadequate debridement leads to failure), disadvantage is this sacrifices major artery from adjacent digit, full-thickness skin grafts or venous flaps, smoking and level of bone injury have not been found to affect survival, advances in interposition graft techniques have improved results with ring avulsion replantation, Lunate Dislocation (Perilunate dissociation), Gymnast's Wrist (Distal Radial Physeal Stress Syndrome), Scaphoid Nonunion Advanced Collapse (SNAC), Carpal Instability Nondissociative (CIND), Constrictive Ring Syndrome (Streeter's Dysplasia), Thromboangiitis Obliterans (Buerger's disease). These inexpensive bands are designed to break if they get snagged on an object.