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Learn more about sprinkler systems, see Fire Permit Application, Sprinkler, Commercial or Assistance shall include, but is not limited to, aiding in the identification of recalled components, information sharing strategies aimed at ensuring the consumer is made aware of recalls and voluntary replacement programs, and providing training and assistance to local fire authorities, the fire sprinkler industry, and the public. Chapter 51-54A WAC: - Washington Yet last year, without an ordinance, 214 of 215 new homes in Camas were built with fire sprinklers. The owner of a building that serves potable water to twenty-five or more people at least sixty or more days per year and that installs drinking water treatment units including, but not limited to, the treatment units in Section 611.1, may be regulated (as a Group A public water system) by the Washington state department of health under chapter. Expenditures from the fund may be used only for purposes authorized under this chapter and for providing assistance in identifying fire sprinkler system components that have been subject to either a recall or voluntary replacement program by a manufacturer of fire sprinkler products, a nationally recognized testing laboratory, or the federal consumer product safety commission; and for use in developing and publishing educational materials related to the effectiveness of residential fire sprinklers. 346 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<46696EE4D7BC40458DC47708B15ED199><6E304689CF11D143855F248451E85B8A>]/Index[330 48]/Info 329 0 R/Length 89/Prev 339285/Root 331 0 R/Size 378/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream (f) Adopt rules necessary to implement and administer a program which requires the affixation of a seal any time a fire protection sprinkler system is installed, which seal shall include the certificate number of any certificate of competency holder who installs, in whole or in part, the fire protection sprinkler system. Sections 612.2 through 612.7.2 are not adopted. (3) Before granting renewal of a fire protection sprinkler system contractor's license to any applicant, the director of fire protection shall require that the applicant file with the director satisfactory evidence that the surety bond or cash deposit is in full force.