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Annington is giving a new lease of life to the homes, formerly military married quarters, by lightly refurbishing them to provide homes for local first-time buyers and growing families. 01-DEC-05 ft hangars), RAF Henlow GV II Site. The Department lease back those married quarters they require. It is the best example of the more refined airbase architecture of this period after the messes at Lee-on-Solent and Biggin Hill, and the mess and offices at Cranwell, Lincolnshire.It is also one of the principal buildings on this historically important site, being the most impressive of a well-handled group of administrative and domestic buildings on what by the Second World War had become one of the RAF's major repair bases. This map is for quick reference purposes only and may not be to scale. It is the most distinguished of a well-planned and handled series of buildings built on the domestic site at RAF Henlow in the 1932-4 period, with gauged detail to sand-faced external brickwork and high-quality internal treatment. Source Historic England Archive BB98/02592. RAF Henlow | A Brief History - History Overload The roof of the right wing has been extended by one or two bays to the rear. Use of this data is subject to Terms and Conditions. JavaScript is disabled. Group of four paired aircraft hangars in line. Anyone want to buy a VILLAGE? 54 former RAF homes up for sale and you Henlow Flying Club was told by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) that it could not fly from the airfield at RAF Henlow from Thursday. The first service personnel arrived (from Farnborough) in May 1918, and a limited output of Bristol fighters and Haviland aircraft was achieved by the Armistice. I'll perhaps be seeing a lot of you in the near future Muppet42, are you prepared for Raleigh? It's better served by public transport, has a better variety of shops, is a 20 minute drive from Hitchin/30 minute drive from Letchworth Garden City and the quarters are in a much better overall standard than Chicksands. RAF Henlow was established in 1917 as the Eastern Command Repair Depot, raised to Group status in 1965 and still in RAF hands. Buildings 186, 187, 188 and 189 (Aircraft Hangars), RAF Henlow, Building 190 (Coupled General Service Shed), RAF Henlow, Building 370 with 330 (Officer's Mess), RAF Henlow. At one stage in 1941, in Operation Quickforce, about 100 Henlow fitters were trained for the assembly of Hurricanes on carriers en route for Malta, to which the completed planes were flown off deck. Location of this list entry and nearby places that are also listed. User contributions are not fact checked and do not represent the official position of Historic England. As the son of an RAF navigator with Bomber Command and then Met Comm who served 40 years from 1939 to 1979 I have been closely involved with this life myself. During Operation Quickforce in 1941, 100 fitters from the base were deployed onto carriers which were shipping Hurricane fighters to Malta. BUILDING 190 (COUPLED GENERAL SERVICE SHED), RAF HENLOW, Henlow - 1391624 | Historic England Home Listing Search the List List Entry BUILDING 190 (COUPLED GENERAL SERVICE SHED), RAF HENLOW BUILDING 190 (COUPLED GENERAL SERVICE SHED), RAF HENLOW Listed on the National Heritage List for England.