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Radiation Safety Officer School Customer's Facility - 2023. Radiation Safety Officer Training Next Class: July 2023 The 2023 RSO Class will be held July 10th through July 14th, 2023. 16, 2022 class at our brand new training facility located at the NV5 corporate headquarters in Hollywood, Florida (just seven miles from Ft. Lauderdale International Airport). 2022 Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) Training - RegFox Moreover, the lecturers are highly specialized and experienced on the topics they deliver, creating an atmosphere of active learning by promoting the participation and discussion among the audience. 229 Sugar Ave, Sugar City, ID 83440 | (208) 206-3203. Environmental Health & Safety How often do I need to retake these courses? Radiation Safety Officer - Constant Contact Role of the Radiation Safety Officer: Final Evaluation Report See our Comprehensive RSO Training Course for more info. Radiation Safety for Authorized User & Supervisors (RSAU) Virtual, NA. 2023 Gonzales courses will be held in the conference room at Cabela's: Cabela's 2200 W Cabela's Parkway Gonzales, LA 70737 Registration Training and webinars - from VEGA Read the latest news stories about Mailman faculty, research, and events. serveas an RSO and will meet the requirements of the U.S. Nuclear As radioactive shipper training is included in the base Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and Authorized User (AU) training and certification provided by Radiation Solutions, they require updating periodically. The answer is yes; to receive a certificate from Radiation Solutions, the trainee must pass a final written exam with an 80% or better grade. Download a customizable medical imaging fact card for your patients. Course Goal The online format enables busy, working adults to complete the course without sacrificing their professional and personal responsibilities. on course details, registration, deadlines and content. The course includes Fundamentals of Radiation Safety, Radiation Detection Instruments, Equipment Handling, Storage, Control, Inspection & Maintenance, Operating & Emergency Procedures, Audits, Licensed Material Disposal, RSO Duties & Responsibilities, and Documentation & Reporting. Join us for two long weekends remotely, via live-stream video for the required 40 hours of training to become a Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)! To help Member States ensure they have sufficient competent radiation protection personnel at medical and industrial radiation facilities, the IAEA offers a train-the-trainer course for Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs). Academy Training: 800-871-7930, Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) Refresher Training, Radiation Safety for Authorized User & Supervisors (RSAU). We offer courses on: General radiation awareness; Safe handling of sealed and unsealed radiation sources; Static radiation gauge and gamma ray irradiator safety It was a refresher for some of the course material but also taught me many new topics in areas I was less familiar with. Columbia University Medical Center, Stephen Balter, PhD - Samantha V. from West Chester University, 2020 virtual training RSO Trainee, "This course is a delightful, rewarding overview of radiation's multiple great benefits. By clicking on "Accept all", you agree to the use of all cookies.