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The instructions vary on the chambers and the types of problems that they set. If you narrow down your options too much, you might be missing opportunities for yourself. The first is undoubtedly preparation. You will be expected to know it off by heart and you must be prepared to answer questions about anything you have included. In case you have not read the About section of my website, I initially embarked on a career at the Bar. Make sure to ask for feedback. This is in the hope that the small suggestion I make below for improving the process for applicants (and, as I see it, raising the standards of the profession as a whole), will be considered. When the Pupillage Gateway slams shut and chambers began reading the mass of application forms electronically thrust before them in a bid to sift, sort and filter into a carefully selected list of the chosen few who they want to meet in person. This cookie can only be read from the domain they are set on and will not track any data while browsing through other sites. Can you deal with difficult questions from the panel? Pupillage Interviews: Top Tips - 5 Pump Court Do some research on the different types of tasks you might be given at a pupillage interview and practise them too. for a first-round interview or to candidates who attended a first-round interview but did not reach a second-round interview. Watch Rebecca, Shanthi, Max and Colm, all recent ULaw BPTC students with pupillage, under. Aspects of this include how articulate, confident and perceptive you are. How do we force cowardly murderers to face up to what they have done? Tip 3: When it comes to the actual interview, different chambers have different modes of interview. Interview. If you say you want high profile work thats fine, but youre inviting questions about whether you are going to mind doing low-profile work, so have an answer ready. Don't squander a pupillage interview to test out your interview skills. Find out more! This way, you can give feedback that is specific, relevant, and concise. Try to react positively and dont be afraid to stick to your point. You might be able to access the Times online via law library subscriptions or your Inn. This is intended to assess how you perform under pressure. . P - Passion When you are in an interview and you meet someone who is genuinely interested and engaged, it makes such a big difference. PDF Kalisher Trust Preparation for pupillage interviews Tuesday 23 February