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Then you can collect all the files in that folder and combine them into a single query. To complete the join operation, select OK. 2. Merge queries and join tables - Microsoft Support In DataPreview, select the following columns: Ctrl+Click the OrderDate, Order_Details.ProductID, Order_Details.UnitPrice, and Order_Details.Quantity columns. = Excel.Workbook(File.Contents("C:\Products and Orders.xlsx"), null, true), = Source{[Item="Products",Kind="Table"]}[Data], Power Query automatically detects column data types, = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Products_Table,{{"ProductID", Int64.Type}, {"ProductName", type text}, {"SupplierID", Int64.Type}, {"CategoryID", Int64.Type}, {"QuantityPerUnit", type text}, {"UnitPrice", type number}, {"UnitsInStock", Int64.Type}, {"UnitsOnOrder", Int64.Type}, {"ReorderLevel", Int64.Type}, {"Discontinued", type logical}}), Remove other columns to only display columns of interest, = Table.SelectColumns(FirstRowAsHeader,{"ProductID", "ProductName", "CategoryID", "QuantityPerUnit"}). The sample source tables for this example are: Sales: This table includes the fields Date, CountryID, and Units. Take a closer look at the message at the bottom of the dialog box that reads "The selection matches 4 of 4 rows from the first table, and 3 of 4 rows from the second table." Select (Select All Columns) to clear all columns. Combine columns from different tables to make one table Power BI DAX Content Certification in Power BI: One Step Towards a Better Governance. However, sometimes, you might need to do that operation in DAX. In DataPreview, select the ProductID, ProductName, CategoryID, and QuantityPerUnit columns (use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click). However, sometimes, you might need to do that operation in DAX. The same rule applies on EXCEPT as well. The same structure means the same number of columns. You need to click on Merge Queries as New to create a new one. If this post helps, then please consider accepting it as the solution to help other members find it faster, and give a big thumbs up. Solved: How do I merge two tables in Dataverse (Power Apps - Power