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Shes worked incredibly hard and now you can enjoy lots of time together away from work. An Open Letter to My Husband on His Retirement By Lindsay - November 29, 2018 4 Twenty years, that's hard to believe. Demand is rising as people fall through the gaps in the provision of other public services. "The quality of a Leader is reflected. With all our love have a wonderful retirement, Congratulations on your many accomplishments. and may you find joy and peace That's why agencies across the world go above and beyond to show their appreciation. The police subculture is another factor and pervasive microcosm in which a closed mini-society perpetuates a sense of strong cohesion, a code of silence and secrecy, and dependence upon one another for survival. | For example, the retiree giving his farewell speech to his colleagues will probably be much different than the retirees friend delivering it in front of friends and family, in a more relaxed setting. I love the fact that what you do matters. We will miss you, You have shown such passion for policing and been a real inspiration for the junior officers. Consider that officers spend much of their time preparing for the worst. You can now enjoy all that life has to offer and grab the exciting opportunities that come your way with both hands. A military spouse's retirement speech - Military Families Theirs are stories that demand to be told. We need to understand that everything cant be a priority that there are some things that have to matter more. I loved reading my giant stack of novels for school while you practiced chair flying in the other room. Basically, join the dots and put them in the order you plan to mention them. Have a wonderful retirement and thank you for your service, You have protected and served us for so long, its now time for others to protect you. Police Retirement Speech by Retiree | Sir Robert Peel had it right from the very beginning: you are us and we are you. Someone broke into the police station and stole all the toilets. Congratulations, We wish you all the best for the future. Reese and H.A. Honoring law enforcement officers in retirement, Thanks! I will STILL support you. The perfect crime was committed last night. Day in and day out scenarios are played out in their minds. We are grateful for your amazing service, Please accept this gift as a thank you for all your years of hard work and protecting us. I can still picture you holding them as they pulled patches on and off. the People of the City of New York. as you follow in His way, I am, instead, giving a vote of thanks. on the next chapter in your life, Although you will still look at people suspiciously (and perhaps get into trouble for that from time to time), you will always look at the rest of the law enforcement world with respect for what they doonly accomplished by a lifetime of knowing. Gene Perret I enjoy waking up and not having to go to work - So I do it three or four times a day! The principles of both speeches are the same: Honor the person, and honor the event. When we first started this journey, we had no idea what was ahead of us.