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What were weapons like in the Elizabethan Era? - KnowledgeBurrow Over time you lose weight and become very tired. Most often asked questions related to bitcoin. How To Cite This Article: During the Medieval Period, the punishment one received depended on the severity of the crime. The reason the England colony was loved so much was because of the religion, how they made their living and the way there laws were set which was what made the colony so distinct. Cannon balls carry a lot of energy, so if hit by one a soft person tends to come off worst. Here are some of the gruesome ways you might have died. What was the most common crime in the Elizabethan era? Not all crimes were big and bad like these. (Elizabethan Superstitions). They wanted money but wouldn't work for ir. You could be lucky and just have a glancing a survivable hit to an arm or leg but even that would tear said limb off instantaneously, and very painfully from your body. For crimes not as serious, the wrongdoers didnt have quite as painful punishments. Elizabeth I reigned as queen of England from 1558 to 1603 CE. In the 16th century CE, many an aristocratic garden or village green resounded to the twang of an archer's bowstring in summer. Both hunting and hawking were pursued by men and women. Subscriber exclusive: Spots and stripes are not so black and white Watch: Zebras risk their lives to get to this place every year Are you one of our 139 million Instagram followers? Penalties. Elizabeth I Playing the LuteNicholas Hilliard (Public Domain). Begging was a serious crime during the Elizabethan era. The third volume in his witty history series for adults, Dangerous Days in Elizabethan England explodes the myths that he believes permeate our understanding of the age of 'Good Queen Bess'. Aztec society had a sophisticated code law which included crime andpunishments.