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Vitamin D 0%. Today they are grown in 16 states across the country and the majority are through the Corn Belt and into the eastern U.S. and were looking to expand that footprint, said Theisen during the Get Ready for the Future of Farming Corteva Agriscience Summer Media Day. COVID has changed a lot of things and made us aware of what were putting in our bodies.. HIGH-OLEIC SOYBEANS: This is one Pioneer variety of Plenish soybeans. Perdue AgriBusiness Farmers can earn a processor-paid premium of $0.55/bu for harvest delivery to a designated elevator or $0.80/bu for on-farm storage, plus an additional $0.10/bu if 100% of their soybean acres are planted to Plenish soybeans. The two oils are similar in nature only in the sense that both are low in polyunsaturated fat, making them stable to oxidation reactions which cause rancidity. soybean products, since 94% of soybean in the U.S. is GMO corn, as 92% of corn planted in the U.S. is GMO cottonseed oil, since 94% of cotton is GMO Many GMO crops also become ingredients in. Have something to say? It comes from the overall high demand for these high oleic soybean acres, he explains. Plenish is high in oleic acid, a long chain (18 carbon) monounsaturated fatty acid while coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, a medium chain (14 carbon) saturated fatty acid. In that respect, the Plenish high oleic soybeans have been through exhaustive testing as part of our regulatory responsibility. The 2022 supply chain for Plenish soybeans now has six contract processors with delivery locations in most of the major soybean-growing states. For the past 20 years, Susan has managed various research functions within the soy quality traits group, which seeks to tailor crop compositions to improve the nutrition and functionality of food ingredients for consumer and food manufacturers. High Oleic Soybeans Clear Final Hurdle - DTN Progressive Farmer Plenish | Perdue Agribusiness There are a lot of variable soil conditions across the area where Plenish soybeans are grown by farmers. Sustainability, animal welfare, and Easter eggs, World Map of Government-Funded GMO Studies, Genetic Engineering and Philosophy of Technology, Binukumar, B and A Mathew (2005) Dietary fat and risk of breast cancer. Cargill Farmers can earn a processor-paid premium of 85 cents per bushel for harvest delivery to a designated elevator or $1 per bushel for on-farm storage. Something went wrong. J Exp Med 41:347-356, Schaffer, EM and JA Milner (1996) Impact of dietary fatty acids on 7,12-dimethylbenz[alpha]anthracene-induced mammary DNA adducts. The Plenish supply chain has 62 delivery locations in most soybean-growing states and five processors. Right now our goal is to double contract acres of Plenish soybeans in Indiana for 2014 and our processing partners have added ten new delivery locations. Pioneer brand products are provided subject to the terms and conditions of purchase which are part of the labeling and purchase documents. How can Bunge be a partner in your grain marketing success? For example, if a grower typically hits 65 bushels per acre and can net a 75-cent premium on top of whatever current soybean prices are, that means nearly $50 more in potential profit per acre.. There are no restrictions on how to handle these high oleic beans with regard to marketing, and the discounts are no different., Overall, he concludes, Plenish soybean oil offers desirable health benefits to consumers, a variety of benefits to users, and at the same time pays a nice premium to farmers growing Plenish soybeans in their fields.