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Double-click on it and set the startup type to . The only issue is when machine needs to be shut down. This would also remove all the user installed software and applications. What is PUA:Win32/Presenoker & Is It a Virus? You can verify when Group Policy was last applied to a computer using the Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) feature in GPMC or by reviewing event logs. Otherwise, select. Run this command and check the output if there is any failure for any of the tests: GPSVC(218.1054) 21:31:24:342 CGPNotify::AbortAsyncRegistration: No asyn registration is pending How To Install Windows 10 On New PC Without Operating System? (verbose mode on), first stage is: Please wait for the system Event Notification service. However, we recommend fixing and optimizing your PC with Restoro. 1492 "@type": "Person", Also, you can use a combination of the Ctrl, Alt, and Del keys as an alternative to the power button. ; Then, right-click on it to select Properties. This also removes the GPO from the SYSVOL folder on domain controllers in your domain. GPSVC(218.1054) 21:31:24:342 CGPNotify::UnregisterNotification: Exiting with dwStatus = 0x0 Fix your computer's DNS settings. group policy client service takes 10 minutes to shutdown Click on Next in System Restore Window, and from the list select restore point and click on next. To make further troubleshoot with this problem, you can try to use WPT (Windows Performance Tool) to make troubleshoot. How to Fix Please Wait For The GPSVC Error on Windows. ), Best Spy Apps With Live Streaming (Review of 6 Best Spyware), How to Clean Laptop Junk Files (in 4 Easy Steps! Although there are still no official fixes released by Microsoft for the please wait for GPSVC error, we summarize some effective troubleshooting methods according to many user reports. Exit out of the registry and restart your computer. If you later decide to need GPSVC after all, you can re-enable it using the same process. Everything was escalated to Avecto. By simply pressing and holding it down for about ten seconds or more, you will force your computer to either launch a hard reboot or shut down completely. For more information, see Verifying Group Policy Application in the Group Policy Management Guide. If your system is 32-bit, then replace System64 with System32. Instead of selecting the Shut down option on the screen, another simple way is to directly hold the Power button for a while to force shutting down your PC. Solution 2: Create some Registry Entries Gpupdate /Force takes upto 10 minutes What is xResolver & How to Remove IP from xResolver? You can try to disable or uninstall it temporarily for test.