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Airline Approved Dog Crate How to select one that best suits your needs? 5. The product emits a loud noise that startles pets but is not harmful. 14.49 USD The 10 Best Cat Repellents of 2023 Does not require your participation. It is to be used every time the dog displays that bad behavior till the instance the behavior is nowhere to be seen. Secondly, there are sprays and commercial types of products that may contain ammonia and things like that that you can spray around the yard that dogs would come in and sniff. Dog barking deterrents, such as horns and whistles, serve a different purpose and are used to teach a pet dog to stop barking. Get Bonide dog repellent on Amazon or at The Home Depot. But, does the gush of air is not exactly what the pet corrector emanates? While two dogs in the yard quieted down immediately, a pit bull and lab on the street were not stopped by this dog repellent and kept on barking. Get the Dig Defence dog repellent at Amazon, The Home Depot, or Petco. we use "Bahh" in that tone of voice to let the dogs know they did something wrong - it works reasonably well for free. Gradually, the stick is withdrawn and the dog will react in an acceptable manner just by the use of these commands. PetSafe SSSCAT Spray Pet Deterrent, Motion Activated Pet Proofing Repellent for Cats . -Yelling: This may not be the most humane option, but it can be effective if used sparingly. With these properties, however, they appear to be less powerful and giving a controversial result. Spiky mats are an excellent choice for a physical barrier that can be used both inside the home and in the yard or garden. Features such as safety, intended use, and the products coverage can make one better than another for a specific situation. We do not claim to provide veterinary advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. 8. Here are a few reactions that dogs have displayed towards the use of pet corrector or compressed air, as shared by some pet corrector reviewers: But the most interesting reaction was the one where the dogs showed negative associations with other things instead of the pet corrector. No Chew Bitter Spray for Dogs - 10X Strength Dog Repellent Spray to Prevent Chewing - Safe for Furniture Alcohol Free - Anti Chew Deterrent Spray - Behavior Correction - No Bite Spray for Puppies -8oz.