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You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. Peter and Susan are worried that Lucy is insane so they talk to Professor Kirke. The 18th-century discovery of Australia was not so quickly followed by an addition to the set, if only for reasons of geometry; Australia is not included in the continents at the corners of the Albert Memorial (1860s). Puppet direction is by Toby Oli, who said that the Aslan puppet design is "made of terra cotta like a piece of ancient pottery as if he was there before anyone else". Edmund is happy to see his siblings, as he has accepted that the Witch is evil. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. "[14] Other reviews were more mixed, with Evening Standard in particular expressing disappointment over its pacing, the Aslan puppet, and one-dimensional performances.[15]. Both studies contain comprehension, , Character Analysis, Theme, Point of View, P, This resource addresses this novel as an allegory. PDF downloads of all 1725 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Reading(Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe) Figurative language - Quizlet Skills include:Character AnalysisDrawing ConclusionsMaking InferencesFigurative LanguageLiterary DevicesVisualizingCompare, ContrastJustifying ActionsPoint of ViewMaking PredictionsFantasy GenreCiting EvidenceCause, * Follows Common Core Standards *This 38-page booklet-style Novel Study (a total 77 pages including answer key) is designed to follow students throughout, questions are based on reading comprehension, strategies, novel study contains many different types of questions for students to think about, after they finish each chapter.Types of questions include:Narrati, Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Sometimes one or more virtues take on and invariably conquer vices. He stops and threatens to return to his world then and there by the use of magic. Pre-Reading Activities Lucy exits Narnia and eagerly tells her siblings about her adventure in the wardrobe. Struggling with distance learning? Just provide students, following reading categories:CharactersComprehensionSettingVocabularyFigurative LanguageCheck out my store for additional novel breakouts!Students can work in pairs or small groups to navigate. Radiant Heart Publishing English Drama Library, ". I am also a children's book author and illustrator. In at least one area of his ethics, Lewis appears to have owed more to Scripture than to any philosopher or theologian. Students can access, digital version from home or school. [22], Pairs of winged victories decorated the spandrels of Roman triumphal arches and similar spaces, and ancient Roman coinage was an especially rich source of images, many carrying their name, which was helpful for medieval and Renaissance antiquarians. The sisters are unable to sleep, and they notice that Aslan has disappeared. What these chapters all have in common is the theme of good versus evil. Oh, one last thing about the wardrobe C.S.