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eCheque Received(Unique Transaction ID: an id), Business Name: A buisness Buyer email: an email Payment sent to: an email Business Contact Information Customer Service Email: an email Customer Service Phone: a number. r/paypal on Reddit: Why is Pay in 4 pending when they already took the Most likely your payment is still pending from our side. Leave the Archive. Why is my incoming eCheck pending? It would have been better all round if the seller had put cash on collection on his auction. . Select a Pay in 3 help topic using the menu or use the search bar. PayPal states that money is received but it's pending. 4. Use one of PayPal's approved shipping carriers, and PayPal will release the hold on funds . This issue continues to happen on our side with the latest version 1.3.1. I noticed there was a pending payment bug that was supposed to be solved in the 1.3.1. We will be using a plugin called "PayPal Payments" to solve every WooCommerce pending payment PayPal issue. SNAD - Significantly not as described. These include: Add tracking. Most sellers will complete for goods payments when theyre ready to ship your item. Money taken from bank account but still showing "payment pending" on Complete: The seller accepted the entire payment amount. You may need to verify your PayPal account. 2. Note: This method only works if the payment's status is Pending or Unclaimed. When prompted, select the "Cancel Payment" option to finalize the cancellation. But wait till they have sorted things out first or it could be longer till you get the money. Follow the steps to cancel the payment. This was not a paypal problem at allwhen you pay a seller paypal normally credit the seller for you and that is why it appears you pay instantly..but paypal pay the seller then start the process of uploading your funds to paypal. The payment would be pending or unclaimed if the recipient has opted not to automatically accept certain payments. Completed transactions can't be canceled. It usually takes up to 7 business days for an eCheck to clear, but sometimes it may take longer. Please contact the moderators of this . How can I get the money back to my account. What's an Order and why is it pending? - Paypal Scammers hope you'll panic and send the money or information they require without thinking first. For more information, please see our Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Normally when someone pays another person paypal will CREDITthat person in advance and then paypal will take the wait for the funds to transfer through to them to pay them back.