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Writing the personal statement for Oxford - CollegeIt Getting into Oxford : Dos and Don'ts twenty two crowns However, as part of your course requirements, you may need to choose a dissertation, a project or a thesis topic. As part of the Bodleian, the Law Library shares in all the advantages of being part of the largest university library in the country, including the receipt, under legal deposit legislation, of legal material published in the UK and Ireland. quote LLM2021/22 445 59 Posted Jan 20, 2021 12:12 Hi guys! The University of Oxford has an excellent careers service with which the department has close ties. You shouldnt choose PPE just because you liked Economics, Politics or Philosophy at school; you shouldnt choose it just because you like dealing with abstract ideas, or on the other hand, because you like dealing with concrete, real-life situations. Before 1960, there were seven papers, of which six were compulsory: 'Jurisprudence', the 'Roman Law of Ownership and Possession', the 'Roman Law of Condictiones', 'Common Law' (comprising the general principles of contract, torts, and crime), 'Equity', and 'Conflict of Laws'. For example, there is a part in your Masters application where you are asked for your future career plans. (LL.M.) Oxford 2021-2022 BCL/MSCs/MJUR/MPHIL/MLF Applicants In Conversation with Devi Jagani on pursuing masters from University of BCL students have an academic advisor rather than a supervisor, who will meet with the students at the beginning of the academic year and then usually once a term for the remainder of the academic year. A knowledge will also be acquired of the values and techniques of advanced legal scholarship and/or the advanced interdisciplinary study of law. Seminars are normally led by a senior member of academic staff but are typically interactive in nature, and you will be expected to participate in the discussions arising from the material covered. The BCL aims to bring students into advanced intellectual engagement with some of the most difficult issues in law and legal theory, an engagement distinguished by rigour, depth and conceptual sophistication requiring immersion in law as an academic discipline as well as informed openness to neighbouring disciplines. - I cant even take credit. For example, with the Masters in law programme (i.e the Oxford BCL), five hundred and fifty people apply every year but there are only ninety places available on the course. The maturity to cope with a professional learning environment, although prior work experience is not essential. Tutorials involve an intensive discussion between a tutor and a small group of students, usually between two and four, providing an opportunity for you to present your ideas and discuss your work with leading academics. New malaria vaccine approved in two countries, more likely to follow Parts of your paper would also likely serve as a good sample for the written work you need to submit with your application. 21ST CENTURY CONFLICT: CAN THE LAW SURVIVE? I base this solely on my own research into the profile books of BCL/MJur students. 

If you would like to see how you compare you can have a look at student profiles here (you can find other years with a google search):

Naturally this will only give an indication of what the department is looking for.