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II, Section 34a; Ohio Code 4111.14(B). Wage LaborLawCenter, Inc. 2023. WebRT @DemocracyDocket: Republican lawmakers in Florida, Missouri and Ohio are working to make it harder for voters to pass ballot measures after the channel was used in recent years to pass redistricting reforms, raise the minimum wage, expand Medicaid and more. each comment to let us know of abusive posts. The Ohio Ballot Board has given the green light to a group that wants to put a constitutional amendment before voters next year that would raise the state's minimum What is the minimum wage in Ohio? It's possible that the federal minimum will not be raised again for several years for several reasons. II, Section 34a, Ohio minimum wage laws do not address tip or gratuity pooling or sharing. Ohio Constitution Art. The state's minimum wage is rising from $9.30 to $10.10 in 2023, the largest increase in 16 years. To Get 20% Off Memberships, Wage and Hour Laws in Ohio | Current Ohio Labor Laws. Use the 'Report' link on Department of Labor statistics indicate that a 10% raise in the Minimum Wage leads to 4.6% to 9.0% fewer workers from low-income demographics getting jobs. Minimum Wage Increase Announced - com.ohio.gov Have employees in more than one state? #block-googletagmanagerfooter .field { padding-bottom:0 !important; } After that, As of March 2023, Ohio minimum wage for large employers is: $10.10. Demand for a living wage that is fair to workers is rising. COLUMBUS, Ohio (FOX19) - Two Tri-State lawmakers say legislation to increase the states minimum wage will bring more economic security and stability to Ohioans and boost the states economy. The tool provides information for individuals, and households Ohios minimum wage is set to increase in the new year, according to the Ohio Department of Commerce. We won't share it with anyone else. Ohio may look for guidance from the regulations regarding tip and gratuity pooling set forth under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. temporary individual license for on-the-job training; individual license in regular business or industry; individual license in a community rehabilitation program (if less than the licensed program rate). On Jan. 1, Ohios minimum wage increased by 80 cents to $10.10 per hour from $9.30 cents per hour. Learn more here. Sign up to stay informed. Of that, over $16,000 will be spent on housing alone. Wyoming and Georgia tie for the lowest minimum wage at $5.15. In 2006, voters approved Amendment 2, which increased the minimum wage to $6.85 in 2007 and indexed the minimum wage to inflation beginning in 2008. For more information on the penalty adjustments, go here. The Wage and Hour Division tries to ensure that the information on this page is accurate but individuals should consult the relevant state labor office for official information. Dr. Amy K. Glasmeier All Rights Reserved. Scroll to Top. Ohio Announces New Minimum Wage for 2022 - Labor Law STATE OF OHIO Jon Husted 2022MINIMUM WAGE Washington, DC 202101-866-4-US-WAGE1-866-487-9243, Administrator Interpretations, Opinion and Ruling Letters, Resources for State and Local Governments, Gua Prctica Referente a la Ley de Normas Justas de Trabajo, Employment Law Guide: Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay, Information on Furloughs and Other Reductions in Pay, Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors, Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay for Direct Care Workers, COVID-19or Other Public Health Emergencies and the FLSA, Comprehensive FLSA Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint), Executive, Administrative, and Professional Exemption Presentation (Microsoft PowerPoint), Civil Money Penalty Inflation Adjustments, Starting in 2016, agencies across the federal government must adjust their penalties for inflation each year.