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Not Stephen or Tom and Kim or Mary and James or Annabel and Nick or anyone else. She did not say she wanted this and refuse to talk about it. From that moment on, even though I was no longer in a relationship with her mother, I tried my best to become a part of my daughters life and to be able to form a father/daughter bonding although I saw her as much as I was allowed, was unable to achieve this bonding. It wasnt much of an issue due to nothing really being open/safe to do, but now that most of our usual group are vaccinated, weve started to meet up again., Last week Stevie had a couple of drinks and decided to ask me why I never speak to her since her wedding., I was p**sed off, because frankly she should know why, and just said What wedding? and walked off., Now apparently Im the bad guy according to some of our friends (essentially, the women) because I was supposed to pretend everything was fine., The men in the group seem to be siding with me and/or think its funny.. When friends were divided on what happened,the Original Poster (OP) questioned if she should have responded differently. But here is the grown-up, bare-bones, truth: Not getting invited to my wedding does not mean being uninvited to my life. My make believe conversations that are much harsher (in some cases) than the letter above will keep me from being truthfully mean when they do. 10 Innocent Reasons You're Not Invited to the Wedding Money. I would try not to take it personally. You used to be close. So reading this was like finally receiving permission to give voice to this. With not inviting some family members, theres bound to be drama and backlash. Thank you! God bless the two of you. Yet in doing so, maybe it becomes an excuse to avoid the hard conversations that should happen in relationships that simply need repairing.. Confront the situation head on by explaining to family members that you had a tough decision, and you wanted everyone there, but the guest list is final. If they ask why they werent invited, try not to be offended and understand that they may simply feel left out. I doubt they will think that is the only reason. Even reaching out to have this conversation, shows your care for the relationship." A few months ago, I heard that my daughter was getting married. It doesn't sound like you have been close fora longtime, fb or not. If youre not sure how to handle it, Zolas here to help. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. In the event that you scaled back your guest list because of the coronavirus pandemic, guests will likely be extremely understandingthis was a difficult decision and obviously not how you intended to celebrate. To exclude someone who meets those requirements while inviting others is either an oversight or rude. I'm sure everyone has already posted my thoughts. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Western Michigan University, and her BA in English from Indiana University South Bend. I was in a brief relationship with her mother when she was conceived. These Cyber Monday sales will help you save money while shopping for your big Plan your wedding wherever and whenever you want on the WeddingWire App. Here are some tips to help you stand your ground: Its inevitable that the uninvited family member is going to be hurt and upset. I dont feel that we should be obligated to spend the day of our wedding entertaining people that we wouldnt choose to hang out with on a normal day. Questions to Ask Yourself Before Making Cuts to Your List. How do you tell them that you do care for them but that theyre not invited? More of the social circle friendships. Ive lost my daughter to estrangement. Well, sorry, I don't have room in my life for fake friends. Sending positive vibes and love your way.