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Honey, what's wrong? During a Senate meeting, Reyna thought it was suspicious how Nico knew so much about Alcyoneus, and said he sounded like he was "quite familiar" with him. She did reluctantly make him Ambassador of Pluto, though she didnt know what to do whenever Nico came. Takes place before The Lost Hero and after The Last Olympian. To save all the land. Percy stated that Nico has his mother's eyes, but it has also been said that they have the wild glint of a madman in them, too, just like his father. Fanfiction. border: none !important; Will the demigods be able to take care of him? The two ran for the gates of Camp to not be late for roll call. Naturally, Nico didn't take well to her welcome since she turned him into a dandelion when they last met. "/> Action-packed and with a core fight scene, this is a short but sweet start to your fanfic journey. Nico is quick to comfort Reyna, insisting that it was a mania (with only her father's worst qualities) that she had killed, not her actual father. This is how it should have been written: "You know that I don't like creepy stuff, right," Nami gulped as she gave them a reminder. (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(r=t.source||{}).concatemoji?d(r.concatemoji):r.wpemoji&&r.twemoji&&(d(r.twemoji),d(r.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); #adventure #baby #demigods #hoo #nico #pjo. When they land, Nico is terrified and braces himself against a rock, his legs trembling and grass dying under his feet. display: none; Everywhere you looked there were smiles on peoples faces. However, Leo was creeped out by the son of Hades and did not like how he hesitated if Percy would survive. Nicos appearance also changed. His death even led him to pray to his father for guidance for the first time. for (var i in e.rl) if ([i]===undefined ||[i]===0)[i] =[i-1]; We named them Zada, happiness, Malena, a young lady, Kalinda, the sea, and Renata, the first born, for the girls. After Gaea is defeated, when Reyna tells the two camps about Nico's part in saving both of them and gives him a big hug, the crowd of demigods roared with approval, indicating that thanks to Reyna, both Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter have finally come to truly accept the son of Hades once and for all. When they arrived at Camp, Nico asked Percy about the lava climbing wall. Nico and Rachel met in The Battle of the Labyrinth, where Nico saved everyone, including Rachel, by declaring himself as "The Ghost King". While Nico is still very jealous of Annabeth, and wants to hate her, he cannot bring himself to, since Annabeth's gratitude was genuine and sincere, and she never overlooked or avoided Nico like most people. I'll help you close the Doors of Death. One day, one prisoner finally gave in. Nico simply calls it unfinished business. Both are powerful and respected demigods. I need to--"He cut me off with a kiss. After the battle, Tyson beckoned Percy and Annabeth to help Nico, who's clothes were smoking. Percy!" document.getElementById(e.c).height = newh+"px"; It was slowly starting to sink in, this new love for his baby boy. When they arrive, Rachel hurries them in, as the cows are watching. Will is upset by this and tells Nico that a lot of campers want to be his friend. He is considerably more trained in using his powers than most children of the Big Three, such as Thalia and Percy, due to his time spent in the Underworld and he states that he trains with the dead. As they attacked Kelli, Nico struggled with his chains and was pushed to the ground. Is it possible for Will and Nico to combine their powers and make a baby together?