Joshua High School Basketball,
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Trees may not grow as tall as some websites say, particularly when growing in urban situations. 8.30am - 4pm Monday - Friday (excluding public holidays). Depending on scale and location, proposed removal of native trees and other native vegetation may require approval from the State Government Native Vegetation Panel. Apply for a tree removal or pruning permit, view our significant tree register and nature strip guidelines. Who owns "your" Nature Strip? - Bateman Battersby Lawyers hbbbd`b``c R
If you have any questions about the following content, please get in touch with our Sustainability Team on 4654 7777 or email Former Camden High School Site Redevelopment, Local Government Act (Section 68) Applications, Development Standard Contravention Register, Food Safety and Food Business Information, Onsite Sewage Management (Septic and other systems), Regulated Systems, Cooling Towers and Mortuaries, Mount Annan Leisure Centre (MALC) Roof Restoration Works, Public Swimming Pools and Tennis Facilities, Kings Bush Reserve/Nepean River Cycleway, Camden, Gundungurra Reserve (North), Narellan Vale. One swipe from its poisoned talons will give you a cut which smells for days. YY]@I :UExsyd<7|); NOT suitable for under powerlines. Nature Strip | City of Parramatta - Any feature within the nature strip that is deemed by Council to be an immediate risk to the public may be removed from the nature strip without consultation or warning, at the owner's cost. NOT suitable for under powerlines. Camden Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the translation. HUmoHnaW* \zRpUHtrnK.Eww}e@i0WDq% 0}!z{w9C_ Small, deciduous, broad domed tree growing to 5m. The leaves are dark green, the flowers are cream and the bark is rough at the base with smooth pink branches. Visit theRural Fire Service websitefor details and to check if your property is in a10/50 Vegetation Clearing Entitlement Area.