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document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Our work is created by a team of talented poetry experts, to provide an in-depth look into poetry, like no other. Usually. If this selection has whetted your appetite for more of Wendy Copes work, we recommend Two Cures for Love: Selected Poems 1979-2006. It is often referred to as the Scottish version of modernism. You thought. The United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. Poem Analysis, https://poemanalysis.com/wendy-cope/bloody-men/. Lonely Hearts by Wendy Cope - Poem Analysis In 1998 she was the listeners' choice in a BBC Radio 4 poll to succeed Ted Hughes as Poet Laureate. They include: In the first lines of Bloody Men, the speaker, a woman, begins by describing the experience of waiting for a bus. Don't see him. You can also read about these raw anxiety poems and memorable unrequited love poems. Although many of Wendy Copes early poems focus on being unlucky in love and being single (as in A Christmas Poem above), After the Lunch beautifully captures the moment when you realise you may be falling in love with someone. It demonstrates that beneath the humour lies a political engagement that refuses to be compliant with either the sentimental gesture or the expectationsabout what makes a serious poet. In the third tercet, an advert from an executive grabs her attention. In the first tercet, she finds a male biker who is looking for females who like riding. None can tell where a relationship will lead to. In The Month of May, Wendy Cope writes 'I saw a hundred shades of green today,' which is an exaggerated account of the sights she saw. BBC - Poetry Season - Poets - Wendy Cope It takes up just four lines and captures the irreverent but familiar mood of the collection: 'It was a dream I had last weekAnd some sort of record seemed vital.I knew it wouldnt be much of a poem,But I love the title.'. This takes the form of a list, like you might find in a women's mag, where the same generic advice is printed and reprinted every day (break all contact with your ex, play hard to get, buy lingerie), or like you might .