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Guidelines and feedback from PHTLS participants. Medical Directors Medical Directors ensure the continued competency of Nationally Registered EMS personnel by validating level specific skills. The program is based on a philosophy stressing the treatment of the multi-system trauma patient as a unique entity with specific needs. 2023 National EMS Week. ITLS 9th Edition Instructor Update Released Update your Instructor status and get started teaching from the 9th Edition! Note: The search results indicate the NREMT (National EMS Certification) status for the individual. Online Services Current PHTLS provider certificate or wallet card required. You may need to clear your cache/cookies and refresh the page. As of January 2011, TEA no longer mails paper certificates. All Rights Reserved. Please do not include prefixes or suffixes as part of the name. Respondents reported significant changes to system delivery and staffing configuration. Your password will be the firstinitial of your first name and your entire last name, in all lower case with no spaces(i.e., John Doe'spassword is jdoe). Begin your license search here to verify that a license holder has a current license with the Department of State Health Services. EMS ID. The mission of PHTLS istopromoteexcellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care. In the future, states may use this number to link your various provider numbers, such as National Registry levels and even your state license. S e nd a written request to the address below and include: Your full name as it appears on your license; Your profession; The address to send the certification to; and, Certification: Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) All Rights Reserved. In nearly 1,300 responses, EMS practitioners painted a picture of a workforce that remains dedicated to caring for patients and serving the community, but is under a high degree of strain. To verify an individual's license to practice, you must contact the State EMS Office. The EMS ID number is issued once and does not change or expire. NAEMT NJEMS User 3. National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians is an American professional association representing Emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Students can locate a course in their area by completing the form below. The mission of PHTLS is to promote excellence in trauma patient management by all providers involved in the delivery of prehospital care through global education.