What Secret Did Landry's Mother Tell The Pope,
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General Manager: Matt Lamport. We know our colleagues are our greatest asset. All the information you need about working for us, recruitment, job opportunities and careers within mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services in Surrey and Hampshire. Learning disability and autism hub - Surrey County Council Email gprecruitment@hee.nhs.uk to be put in touch. Login Please sign in Your username will be an email address. It is also a regional cancer centre and provides many world class services, aspiring to deliver more for patients in the future. Email address This website uses cookies to improve your experience. You will have the opportunity to gain practical experience in dispensing, non-sterile and aseptic product production, distribution and ordering, medicines management and patient safety depending on the training programme. Medication Safety and Pharmacy Governance, Clinical Pharmacy and Medicines Management Service, The Guildford and Waverley Joint Formulary, NIHR Royal Surrey Clinical Research Facility, Guildford and Waverley Alliance workforce group, Hospital Passport (This is me: My Care Passport), Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) Haslemere Hospital, For pre-registration pharmacist programme and summer placements please visit click here. Radiotherapy Booking Office Enter your organisation code again 6632/2570, Radiotherapy Private Patients To make a referral please contact our nurse directly by phone or post. Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) We love working here and if you believe in our values, we think you will too. Site map. Description. All patients are referred by the medical team at Royal Surrey County Hospital. WvkJtU8BR~:s/NKn:&e#F5|hKZs2\pZpA+Fe4)4T@o7Ked4K{dOT*0K&o+vJKXb%~ New machine-learning method predicts body clock timing to improve sleep and health decisions Group cyclists urged to spread out as it can affect exposure to vehicle emissions New competition could bring your bio-inspired robot idea to life Surrey residents to hear from leading vaccinologist at prestigious lecture More news Aligned to the Core Skills Training Framework (CTSF), statutory and mandatory training is an integral component of professional practice which provides knowledge and skills for our workforce. Email gprecruitment@hee.nhs.ukto be put in touch. 0
Royal Surrey County Hospital Royal Surrey County Hospital Visiting times: Between 3pm - 5pm & 6pm - 8pm Main switchboard: 01483 571 122 Learn more about Royal Surrey Hospital